darent go out for fear of attack isit in my flat with my hat and thermal gear on roll on summer might be able to ditch the thermals
stuck in: darent go out for fear of... - Scleroderma & Ray...
stuck in
Warm your house and go out.
its easier said then done zenabb.. my house is frezzing cold even with the heating on full.. i try to brave it .. sometime i get dressed under the blanket before i get up.. then get all my other gear on and dash out and back as quickly as poss.. then run a really hot bath or shower.... and i stay there and top the hot water up for about an hour then im nice and back to me for a bit... i do get really bored tho if its really cold i defo wont go out...
Im the same as you fairygoddess ! apart from loving fairies also, (i actually edited a book called 'Happy Spells for Good Fairies and Ordinary Folk' by my friend Jennifer Pearce, 2 years ago, devine-psychic-spectrum.co.... , as well as going to the fairy ball in Glastonbury last year ! that was my only outing for the year due to the raynauds!) - I dont go out in the winter and I sit indoors with the heating on full blast, wearing Ugg boots and Thinsulate gloves + hat with ear flaps ! - the goddess I am !
My firends call me a mermaid as I have to have a bath daily to get moving and warm up ! as well as doing all the mositurising jobs !
oh yes... certainly living the dream lol
i know all about the bed thing lol i get up every morning heating on or not as soon as i get out from under quilt finger goes on one progressed into my toes recently too all good fun might just take to staying in bed lol
What i think Zenabb is trying to say......is that if you have Scleroderma with Secondary Raynauds (which can be very serious) and which is what i have too, then apart from the odd day when i wont go out, i get on with this disability, exercise helps your circulation and depression, and even if it means that my hands are black and blue then so be it as i think it helps my scleroderma in general. And yes, i have raynauds seriously in having had gangrene in my finger. I even go to Sweden and Scotland in winter as i,m determined that this condition wont rule my life
i install solar panels for a living and have been installing at temperatures of -10 so like your good self i too wont be beaten
hi I suffer with Raynaulds and Erythromelgia and also the menopause so I find it difficult to cope either way as I am either too hot or frozen my fan chewing gum and drinking water are my coping mechanisms as well as exercise keeps you going and staying positve no matter what . I am fortunate not to have scleroderma so I have been told . I can relate to what you are all saying we just have to stay positive and support eachother as best we can.