I have reynaulds with ulcers on toes and fingers. Being investigated for underlying cause. None of the standard meds worked so had five days of ileoprost about a month back. It has not helped. I'm still getting repeated reynaulds attacks every day abd and new ulcers. Does anyone know if there are other treatments if ileoprost has not done anything? Thanks.
Post-ileoprost?: I have reynaulds with... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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5 Replies
I use rabeprazoke during the winter and for attacks - it opens up the blood vessels - keeping my core really warm and mitts and warm socks to wear to bed all night help. Nitroglycerin patches also work short term but do cause headaches as the blood vessels open up - see a rheumatologist. Stress and cold are my triggers.
I'm using sildenafil 3x 25mg over the course of day. But also hat and socks most of the time, including bedtime
Are they calcinosis cutis or ulcers? I have raynauds. Calcinosis cutis. Osteoporosis and auto imune issues...I take no meds. But take supplements. Gluten free.dairyfree. have to graze lots cos when my blood sugar is low the raynauds is bad...
Love heated gloves and electric usb hot water bottle
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