Hi, I have Scleroderma with a handful of other conditions such as Pulmonary Hypertension, ILD, Gord, Raynauds etc. I have been taking Sildenafil and Omeprazole for the past 4 years. Has anyone else been on Omeprazole for as long as that, is it safe to be on it for so long. Thanks.
Omeprazole: Hi, I have Scleroderma with... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Hello Carp84, I have been on a ppi for over 15 years. I lived for years choking on food , unable to talk on the telephone etc. I was put on Omeprazole which made a huge difference. I was aware of the risks and felt I was better (also told I had mild disease - I have UCTD with high levels of RNP) and stopped taking it. I developed the same problems and was found to have scarring in my oesophagus which if left could have led to Barrett’s etc. I immediately started taking it again.
I have to be honest, I do have osteoporosis but this could be made worse by the gut problems I have (a degree of gastroparisis, malabsorption, SIBO). But I have taken them a long time and better that than developing cancer in my oesophagus. I’m now on Esomeprazole as this helps with my oesophical spasms. Like all drugs I’m afraid it’s a balance and what leads to better quality of life and risks if not taken.
Take care
I have some similar problems Halewayuphill and had the conversation with my gastro consultant about long term effects of PPIs. I am on high dose esomeprazole now, after 35+ years of poor control with increasing doses of lansoprazole. He said exactly the same, that any potential risk of osteoporosis was outweighed by continued and probably more serious risks of uncontrolled reflux and severe oesophagitis which used to make my life almost unbearable. If I even miss a couple of doses I certainly know about it!
Hi , I took LANSOPRAZOLE for over 20 years. 2023 I started falling over and hands shaking.
Middle December 23 husband found me early one morning on bedroom floor.
Couldn't rouse me. Called Ambulance.
Only took them 8 minutes 👍
Ended up in Resus from 7am to 7pm
Had Heart attack, mild stroke and seizures. Spent Xmas in hospital on Cardiac ward.
( Santa even left me a present on waking up on Xmas morning 😅 )
Seems like it was all due to being on Lansoprazole for about 20 years.
Apparently it coated my stomach so Magnesium couldn't be absorbed.
All okay now.
I have Scleraderma, Raynauds, Progressive Pulmonary fibrosis and Osteoporosis.
It maybe worth a word with your Dr.
Hope that this helps.
Hi I've been taking Omeprazole for about 20yrs with no issues I'm aware of. I have Lupus, scleroderma, Raynaud's and pulmonary fibrosis 🌹
I’ ve been on Omeprazole for over 12 years. Aged 78 and no problems. I did forget to take it one day and I suffered for it! Definitely worth any risks!
I have been on PPI for about 20 years , first Raberprazole and now esomeprazole. I am B12 deficient and have B12 injections now, whether that is due to the PPI stopping absorption or not , can’t know for sure.
However , like other have said it protect the oesophagus and without it I suffer with reflux and swallowing issue , cough ect so for me it is definitely a worth taking.
I’ve been on omeprazole for about 20 years! There was a period when I felt it had suppressed digestive acid too much and I was unable to eat meat or fats (projectile vomiting!). But I put myself on several months of digestive enzymes which rebalanced me. And these days I eat a very varied largely plant diet and include fermented food everyday, so my overall microbiome health is much better.
It’s important you know exactly how to take it though, otherwise you might be taking too much but not getting the benefit.
Hello Carp24, like the others I have been taking omeprazole for at least 20years if not longer, can't remember. I don't appear to have any problems with it. I was put on 2 a day afew years ago as my symptoms were worse, but now on many days I get away with one. I too am more worried about getting Barrett s. It's 30 years since I was first diagnosed with Raynauds and LSSc, Sjegren dryness and now Fibromyalgia. You were lucky to survive Zebbo . I was put on Lansoprazole at first but it didn't agree with me. I think it has a lot to do with when and what I eat and when I take it.
I’ve been on Esomeprazole & now Omeprazole for well over 20 years. I was worried about absorption of vitamins etc but I’m not too bad.
Do your research on the medication. I also suggest that you watch some videos from others regarding this and possibly look into the supplements that ladytrundle suggests. It would be good to have a back up plan if the medication ever fails. As for me, I refuse to take any ppis or anything that reduces acid in my stomach. It's a fact that the acid level is actually decreasing as we get older. I use warm lemon water in the morning, and I also use HCL with pepsin occasionally. I'm about 95% cured from years of GERD and IBS. It takes time and patience, but I'm very happy with my decision.
Hello dear i have scleroderma with same conditions ILD raynauds etc but i didn't take omeprazole i only take sildenafil, mycophonolate, and bosantan.
I’ve been on Omeprazole for about 11 years. The doses were quite heroic at first and now it’s one a day. It hasn’t had any affect other than really helping.