Hello! I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Scleroderma this year and have been in Mycophenolate since July. I know that it has bad effects on pregnancy so rheumatologist said to be careful. My partner and I are planning to have kids. Did anyone here get pregnant while having this illness? What are your experiences? Please let me know!
Pregnancy questions: Hello! I have been... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Pregnancy questions
Hi Luna,
I had children prior to being diagnosed. I am also on MMF and was asked a number of times about more children prior to starting it. My understanding from what my consultant told me is that if I wanted more children an alternative medication would need to be started first. So you need to speak to your consultant/rhumey. My understanding is that MMF increases the risk of miscarriage by 50% and also increases deformities and abnormalities in the foetus. So my advice would be to speak to your specialists before you start trying for a baby.
Sending you lots of love at this time. Xxxx
heyyy I was diagnosed with diffuse scleroderma 6 years ago. I was 5 months pregnant at the time so hadn’t started mycophenalate at that point. But my pregnancy was fine…I was poorly a lot with chest infections etc but it was ok. My little boy was born small at 5lb9 but perfectly healthy ☺️ I haven’t since had anymore children as they don’t really want me to come off mycophenalate at the moment. I hope you are well and if you would like to talk or ask any questions feel free to message me x