Had my second Moderna jab on Monday and as last time I had quite strong reaction. Headache, neck and back pain, intensified pain in muscles and joints and overall, highly sensitive skin and raised temperature. I have Raynaud's, Limited Scleroderma and fibromyalgia. My husband has no reaction at all. Not sure whether this is a common reaction to Moderna or to do with the LSSc. Has any one else experienced this.
Moderna vaccinations: Had my second... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Moderna vaccinations

Yes. I had a bad Moderna reaction in June, so I was happy when they told me they still had a few Pfizer left, when I had my 6th, last week. I had it with the flu vaccination & felt like I was going down with ‘flu the following day, shivering, aching limbs, screaming headache! Fairly sure it wasn’t the Pfizer, as I’ve had no bad reaction before! X
I never reacted to my first three injections but to the first booster I did. It seemed to exacerbate a flare up of my systemic sclerosis and put me in bed for 2/3 days. I had my autumn booster last Sunday and left the following few days clear. Sure enough the same happened again, shivering hot and cold, sweats, muscle pain, aching to such an extent my finger nails hurt too. I’m putting it down to the vaccine as that is too coincidental for me!
Thank you for those thoughts both of you. It confirms my thinking that I am reacting to the Moderna boosters. I had no reaction from the Pfizer. Must remember that if we are offered another one. Hope you are both feeling better now. Don't like the onset of the colder weather!!X
I too had a bad reaction to Moderna for my 3rd or 4th (body just turned virtually to stone with all over pain) so asked for Pfizer last time n it wasn’t so bad. The problem I was anticipating with that this next time is think they want everybody to get this new Moderna as it has the different variants in it. I’m reluctant to say the last as even healthy folk that have had no reaction to any of them in the past are having trouble with it. Jab booked for 2nd nov n I’m still undecided. Hope you are over worst now.
the Pfizer has also got that modification and I was so glad they had some left! Good luck with yours.
I’ve just had the new Moderna booster but had the flu jab at the same time, I had a reaction to one of them or both? ( muscle and joint pains and a headache and feeling like I had a temperature , I’ve not had a reaction to the Moderna before! Guess they all affect us differently too
Not had my 4th Covid yet but flu vaccine gave me swollen glands on side of vaccine and muscle pain.
I haven't had the Bivalent yet, but I've had the same issue for all my shots except the first one. I also got the Pfizer booster once and it was maybe a bit less bad.
The odd thing is even the Flu vaccine gives me noticeable side effects, but not as bad. Before I started on immune suppression I didn't feel anything from the Flu vaccine - the immune system is a mystery. But now that my dosage has been reduced I feel less of a reaction.