Hi, Can someone with Raynaud syndrome take the Asta Zeneca vaccine for covid19?
Covid19 vaccine for Raynaud Syndrome - Scleroderma & Ray...
Covid19 vaccine for Raynaud Syndrome

No if do the Yabbies will nip you when swimming.The Possums will chase you and jump on you when a sleep!
Ive Raynauds & fibro etc ive had both jabs/stabs and still alive "just" lol
Funny morning when went to get first was having big issues with breathing Rang quacks as my inhalers was low/out of date(Kept telling me "could have Asthma"!)They rang back "Quick" Said Asked where i was.said nearly at Jab centre said tell them where going and ring for ambulance As could be Heart etc?
Rang waited for ages!
Ended up in hospital for a week some on oxygen now on Warfarin as have Clots in both lungs!
And that was before Jab!!! As they talked about Clots with it!

Thanks for yourreply
I had both vaccine with AZI also have systemic sclerosis / Raynaud's, had a couple of side effects, flu like symptoms for a few days. From the Uk
I have had 2 Astra Zeneca covid injections and have Reynauds. I was OK
I'm a volunteer vaccinator. No reason why you shouldn't have AZ with Raynaud's.
If you're worried ask your Rheumatologist or PCP. I had the vaccine with Sclero, Reynauds, and Stage 4 kidney failure. It's pretty much only contraindicated if you are allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine which is pretty rare. It's better to have it than risk COVID in my opinion. I've had the 2 doses and my Dr. told me I should get the 3rd one when I can get an appt. for it. I say "Go For It".👍😀🐇
I have CREST diagnosed by doctor and being treated for Rheumatoid Arthritis had both AZ vaccinations and have been advised to have booster as soon as available which I will do. I was one of the first inline. Hope all goes well for you.