Hello Everyone,
Had anyone taken Domperidone, if so has it helped? It’s just been prescribed to me and would be interested to hear from anyone who has taken it.
I have esophageal dismotility, caused from Scleroderma.
Had awful trouble with my oesophagus for a long time. I do all the things you are supposed to do eat small meals, don’t eat late, propped up in bed etc.
My food lies in my oesophagus for hours after eating, I’m sick, have horrendous acid reflux, and aspiration which is a little better of late.
I take PPi’s Pantoprazole 80mg per day along with Famotidine and Gaviscon Advance.
I have recently been diagnosed Limited Scleroderma, Interstitial Lung Disease, and Pulmonary Hypertension
Would be grateful for your reply’s please,
Thank you, Best wishes