Who here has had the vacine and what where your side effects? I have crest amd reynauds , im still debating . Ive been staying healthy and being very careful . But not sure what i think about vacine. Heard some bad side effects .
Vacine for covid : Who here has had the... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Vacine for covid

Hi I have both Crest and Raynauds amongst other autoimmune diseases. I have had both of the Astrovenica vaccine and have had know problems. With the second I had flu like symptoms for a few days. Speak to your rheumatologist. If you can’t email them. Mine were very helpful. Good luck.
I have Sine Scleroderma with Raynaulds, along with PBC (stage 4 cirrhosis), AIH, GAVE Disease and Anemia as my primary issues. Had both Pfizer shots with no side effects or flu like symptoms. Went to both appointments extremely hydrated and continued to move my arms both times to help lower effect of pain at the injection site.
Honestly, I was very worried about the jabs but was in the process of changing medicine treatments with my Hepatologist / Rheumatologist. While I had a down period and wasn't on immunosup's, they decided the vaccines would be most effective to build my immunity.
Wishing you all the best!
I've had my second and was absolutely fine no issues cat all. We all different remember that
I have scleroderma and raynauds amongst other things. I have had both my vaccines (oxford astrazeneca) and felt a bit unwell in the evening after the second (really cold and shivery) but was fine the next day
I’ve had both AZ and have overlap connective tissue disease - I was fine - just a sore arm which I barely noticed with second one.
I had my first shot of Pfizer and had sore arm, flu like symptoms headache dizziness fatigue. But all went gradually within two weeks. We are all different and will respond differently to the vaccine but so far no flare up with any of LSS symptoms (thankfully). My friend has also autoimmune disease and she didn’t even have sore arm with Pfizer and I had all the side effects this is how different we are. I would take my second shot even if have to experience all that again as 2 weeks feeling bad is nothing comparing to long Covid that can last for months or even forever. Good luck :).
I have limited systemic sclerosis (CREST), fibromyalgia and raynauds for 18 years. I have had both my Pfizer vaccinations, mild side effects (sore arm, headache and a bit flu like for a day or so), just took paracetamol and had an exacerbation of fatigue for a few weeks. All settled know. My rheumatologist told me that the consequences of catching actual covid would be much greater than any short term side effects initiated by the vaccine. Obviously it’s your choice but we are probably at greater risk of long covid and cytokine storm situations if we become infected with the real virus. I work in healthcare so am glad to have had my vaccinations not only to protect myself but my predominantly elderly patient population.
I am fully vaccinated with the astrazenica jab. The first one I felt rubbish for a couple of days, headache, aches and raging temperature but they soon passed. The second one, not anything, felt perfectly fine.
Had both jabs no side effects at all
Have Raynauds, limited Scleroderma & IBS. Had both Pfizer jabs, no side effects except a slightly sore, heavy arm for a couple of days. No worse than the winter flu jab. Do have it if you haven't already.
Hi Joan, I know it's a big decision. I did react, but with my track record of my body rejecting medication I wasn't surprised but I was about the length of time and how greatly. Having said that, I did return for the second vaccine and I was really worried but the thought of getting COVID was far more scary. I have had a friend with Raynaud's who has had COVID and she is still trying to recover. Good luck Joan if you decide to go for the vaccine, and it is a personal decision but get advice from your practitioners as well. Like you I came to the forum, and there was one person who posted and sorry cannot remember her name, but she did put it into perspective.
Had my first Biontech / Pfizer jab 3 weeks ago. Had a sore arm for two days - nothing else. But it is of cause true that we are all different.
From what ive found/dug up if you have had covid or similar you get a reaction if not nothing much happens and ive Raynauds.Fibro and looking at Limited Scleroderma type issue and nothing/zilch happened mine was Astro and i'm on blood thinners also as had just came out of hospital with blood clots in lungs so you will be fine just learn to read if any signs of deeper issues
I have had my first vaccine and I had no side effects, I have all the same complaints, crest, scleroderma, no problems
I have scleroderma, Reynolds and essential thrombocythemia which is a form of blood cancer. I have had 2 Pfizer jabs. A slight headache was the only reaction.I paid for a private blood test after the first one which showed I had no antibodies which is very worrying. I am just hoping the second jab has given me some protection.
Have UCTD with also scleroderma symptoms, also have Raynauds. Got yesterday my first Pfizer vaccin. I have a sore arm. That is all, hopefully it stays this way.
Hi there- I have limited systemic sclerosis and bad Raynauds (Similar To you) and had the 1st Pfizer jab recently. I ended up with higher fever (38.3) for a day after which I managed with paracetamol. The following day the temperature had dropped to 37.5 and by that same evening it was down to normal. No real other issues, other than the tiredness associated with the fever. I had had covid around Christmas- vaccine was much better than the disease.
I have systemic sclerosis and polymyositis. I had the AZ jab in Feb and second one in April.I was very poorly after the first one for about 10 days, I was very tired, very sore arm, out of sorts and had really bad vertigo. 2nd jab I was still poorly but not quite as dizzy, I just kept taking which helped discomfort.
Still believe it was worth taking it it, we need to be protected from this awful virus as best as possible.