Hi everyone
Does anyone know any hospital (even private) in the London / SE area currently providing Iloprost infusions? I’d be very grateful for any info asap.
Thank you
Hi everyone
Does anyone know any hospital (even private) in the London / SE area currently providing Iloprost infusions? I’d be very grateful for any info asap.
Thank you
Oh gosh poor you are you struggling to get your infusions done? I can’t help to be honest - as I have mine at my local hospital Just before Christmas but I’m not sure they would do me now because of the horrific situation in hospitals. Where do you live? The unit I go to isn’t even rheumatology it’s actually oncology so they are still open so maybe but I’m not sure. Probably if your in the catchment area you maybe more likely (why I asked where you live )
Hi sorry to hear your struggle but as far as I’m aware most hospitals are no longer doing Iloprost infusions because of the Covid situation. Most units have had to limit the Ivory fusions they are offering and only doing essential ones. Like IVIG,Rituximab amongst others I think due to the amount of people that do Iloprost infusions it’s just become in feasible to carry on when they need the nurses,drs and space. An example is the Royal Free has had to change their unit to ICU and their PITU unit has now been moved to a far smaller unit. They will only offer Iloprost as an emergency and the Rheumatologists have to agree that it’s an emergency treatment. All we can do is hope that this current situation eases soon. Hope you find a more positive answer somewhere.