Hi folks, a gentle reminder that we will be having our (becoming) usual conference call at 11am. I have been playing around with some ideas as most want to see each other whilst talking. With the founding members of our Birmingham group, I think we've finally managed to sort it. It is via Facebook messenger, where you can stay just on audio if you're shy, or video too if you want to be seen. We do have a Facebook group and I'll add everyone to the call at 11am, if you don't want to take part, just don't answer the call. Unfortunately, you will have to be a member of the Facebook group to join the call at the moment, I will be looking at ways to add people to join the call without joining the group but this might take time. I have attached a link to join the group after answering some joining questions, nothing serious, just making sure folks are genuine. Sorry for waffling, the link is facebook.com/groups/1907611...
Any problems, feel free to let me know.
Stay safe folks x