Hi I’ve had a really salty taste too for 10 weeks now and it’s driving me crazy. It’s relentless and I’m preoccupied with it now to the extent it’s affecting my mood. I’ve seen the dentist and he can find nothing wrong, been to the hygienist in case it was something he missed and got a scale and polish with no relief. I’ve seen the doctor who is at a loss as he had done bloods which all came back normal including B12 and glucose. I’ve tried Corsadyl mouthwash, Colgate mouthwash and changed my toothpaste to Biotene toothpaste and trued that’s mouthwash too. Only relief I get is if I suck a mint or chew chewing gum but my mouth is becoming sore with constantly doing that. The salty taste is severe, even water and tea taste horrible. Also tried antihistamines and salt and hot water rinses, I’m at a loss.
Salty taste: Hi I’ve had a really salty... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Salty taste

Make a really strict food diary and note down EVERYTHING you eat and drink.
Many foods have salt added during their production. Using a food diary will help you to narrow down what may be causing issues. Apart from condiments and sauces, tinned or frozen foods can have salt, along with butter, cheese.
There really are so many things. Also ensure you are hydrated enough with water.
From things I have read it can also be caused by a zinc or B12 deficiency
Hi thanks for the reply I did have bloods done and they said they wee all normal but when I asked about the B12 levels I was told it was 225 and I believe the range should be around 180 to 900 so I’m going back to GP to see if it being on the low side of normal could cause it, although I feel like I’m clutching at straws.
Hi Daegi 😊🌿🌸🦋
I have this problem too. I’m sensitive to salt which triggers a very rare condition I have.
Try reducing your salt intake drastically.
We are only supposed to have 1/4 teaspoon of salt daily.
The average food intake exceeds this exponentially.
Read all food nutrition labels and avoid all really salty foods (bread) included for several days to a week and see if your salty saliva decreases.
Best wishes for great improvement my friend.
EvaJo aka EJ aka Honeybug
I started getting this a few weeks after adding magnesium spray to my evening routine. I stopped using it and the salty taste disappeared. Are you taking anything with magnesium in? Changed and drugs? Any bath salts? Deodorant?
Haven’t changed anything at all that I am aware of other than I had changed toothpaste just before Christmas but it caused the skin to peel inside my mouth so stopped using it and dentist can’t find anything wrong but still severe salty taste. Even water and tea taste salty. Seeing GP tomorrow so see if any other tests they can try. Have had lots of blood tests and so far all normal but will check and see if magnesium levels were done 🤔
Hello Daegi
I thought it was me that was going mad. I too get a salty taste but not all the time. My lips taste like I've been eating something very very salty. I don't use salt at all and avoid salty food because of high blood pressure. I've even investigated if it's dishwasher salt on the outside of cups and glasses but (this is daft) I've tried licking the outside of our cups and glasses and they don't taste salty at all. Next time I see my rheumatology consultant I'll ask him if he has any clues. There was an occasion when we'd overfilled the dishwasher salt thing and stuff did taste salty but I'm very careful about that now.
No nothing at all different Betsie. Only thing that happened previous to the taste starting was that i had changed toothpaste to sensodyne and this caused all the skin to come off on the inside of my mouth so I stopped using it and my dentist said to use salt and hot water mouthwashes for a couple of weeks and change back to my ordinary toothpaste, which I did but still hasn’t helped the salty taste. I now use biotene toothpaste as recommended by a lady in here but it’s made no difference. Have an appointment with GP tomorrow so will see if they can suggest anything else 🙂
Me too, and I also find sucking mints (esp. Murray mints) the only thing that helps!
I’m the same. I’ve been sucking foxs glacier mints and werthers sugar free but my mouth is now getting sore as I have to continually suck them to get relief. Nightmare lol