I have recently been diagnosed with Raynaurds Phenomenon to my complete surprise. As I went to Doctor about very painful thumbs. Doctor saw something i had not, and cold hand went to Arthritics consultant he diagnosed Raynaurds, Osteoarthritis, and carpel tunnel, thought life was feel difficult, I am a carpenter. Prescribed Nifedipine 10mg. what a result. it dose not cure or control symptoms it certainly stops them running rampant, and the white bits on my toes disappeared had no idea they were connected to anything but age. Last thing Consultant said was warm your glove up before wearing them ok. The gloves did not seem to matter it was putting a cold coat or jacket on bad result.
I think i may be a naturally analytical person my type of word blindness means i naturally break things down into small bit to seek understanding and store information. The freezer section in supermarket i now realize is very detrimental. especially on a hot day, learning curve. hey look at you badly wearing thermal coat on hot day. Hind sight thinking of motor full of different clothes that would collect for work, jacket collection light, medium light medium, medium heavy, or double up. impressive how the body works in the subconscious to protect its self, from an over reaction to protect its self.
So my Raynaurds seems mostly triggered by the big flank muscles in my back with the first symptoms a tickle in back my throat, followed by breathlessness and can seriously affect my ability to think clearly. It can be triggered by sitting forward on a warm couch and cool air hitting my back. The aftereffect of a hot bath and cool air can be devastating perhaps sleep for 8 /12 hours middle of the day waking up quite confused. It is still early days yet and seeing consultant in again in 2 months. He may tell me i am mad, I have discovered that the cardio vessels in organs are tightest clumped in the Heart Lungs and Brain Dose any of this make any sense to anyone else out ther
Peace and Tranquility To all Max x