Why did they put me down as having reynoids. I do not have that
Do not have reynoids!: Why did they put... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Do not have reynoids!

I cane here to figure out what I do have
I have had something strange since childhood. When I go in the sun for a bit I start feeling really weird and then if I stay in the sun I get a bolt of lightning that charges through my head, if I still stay in the sun I start getting jumpy and nervous. I feel like I will jump out of my skin. I feel scared freaked out this has gone on since childhood
Photosensitivity causing a type of migraine?
Allergy to sunlight (this is a thing)
Is it your Doctor who has given you this diagnosis? If it is, can you get to see a different doctor for a second opinion? If your GP does think you have Raynaud's then you need further tests to see whether you have what is called Primary Raynaud's (no underlying issue like lupus, etc) or Secondary Raynaud's i.e. where the Raynaud's is a symptom of another illness. When I first had problems this meant me seeing a Rheumatologist who arranged further tests, maybe now your GP can do these.
The sun thing may or may not be related, but it doesn't sound like a symptom of Raynaud's. I have a diagnosis of Raynaud's and I also have hay fever. I agree with "The_Bear" that you could have a severe allergy to the sun - again you need a GP to diagnose it.
Hope you get an answer soon.
I DO NOT have Reynoids, somehow my cursor clicked it on. I wanted to see if I could find out why the sun has always affected me the way it has.. that's all!
I DO NOT HAVE REYNOIDS! My cursor accidently clicked it on and I couldn;t unclick it..