I have a very painful arm at the moment it started about 3 months ago, I have more mobility now.
I finally went to my doctor and saw a female doctor, how lucky was I as I wasn’t dismissed this doctor did a examination and said my arm was either a frozen shoulder or osteoarthritis of the shoulder as I have that in my back and both knees.
I’m having a X-ray and this doctor is chasing up hospital to bring appointment forward.
I felt comfortable enough to let this doctor know that living with constant pain was getting just too much to stand and need more effective pain relief.
The doctor was also amazed that I am still working full time and driving over 70 miles daily. I did say to the doctor that I needed to work as I applied for PIP but was unsuccessful.
I felt a slight uplift as someone is finally listening to my concerns as I am now struggling on a daily basis just getting dressed and showered is challenging without a full day’s work.
Go to see you doctor and don’t put up with it anymore, lots of GP’s just have no understanding of scleroderma, hope you get the help you need good luck.
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