Hi there. I saw my Rheumatologist today for a medication review. I started taking nifedipine (for Raynauds) but had to stop because it made me feel very unwell. They then started me on 25mg losartan increasing to 50mg and then 75mg with no effect, so I have now been prescribed Sildenafil 25mg - 50mg. Can I ask how effective sildenafil is?
They are a little concerned about my increasing pins and needles I’m getting in hands and head 🙄 so referring me for nerve conduction tests? Very unsure how this works? Apparently professor Denton runs a clinic in Bristol (close to me) every quarter and my Rheumatologist is going to ask if he can see me, this I’m very excited about 😃
I did ask my Rheumatologist today about iloprost infusions, she was a little reluctant to offer it at the moment, but concerned I’m running out of options.
Thanks for reading x