My 12 year old has secondary Raynauds with RA. We live in Utah where the Winters are doing a number on her Raynauds. Should we move to Tucson, Arizona where the temp is mild? Has anyone moved to a warmer climate? Family is in Arizona as a support system. We have heard most people with Raynauds eventually move to a warmer climate. I know that warmer climates also have challenges
Raynauds : My 12 year old has secondary... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Hi, I'm from the uk and I have secondary Raynaud's too. It's been cold and snowing here. When I have my daily shower, my Raynaud's still flares up. I'm not sure moving to warmer climates will help or not. Could you take a holiday there to see if it works? Sorry I can't be more help.
As far as moving to a warmer climate. It would help, yes. I had to.
Hi. My son has secondary Raynauds due to mixed connective tissue disease. We have seen massive improvements in his symptoms by following a paleo autoimmune diet. He managed to stop all medications, including nifedipine for Raynauds. There is lots of information about these diets on line. It’s been difficult to implement at times but well worth it. Moving may help but it won’t address the route cause of your daughters condition.

Thank you for this info. Did he experience tightened, stiff forearms? If so, did this diet loosen or lessen the inflammation in that area? Thanks for any response for relief you can offer.
My understanding is that these diets lessen inflammation generally by healing a leaky gut. However any permanent damage will remain eg scarring or destructive joint damage. My son is 14 now and he does have some forearm stiffness which I suspect will always be there. The important thing is that is isn’t getting any worse. The amount of improvement you will see with these diets also depends on how strictly you can stick to it - it’s very difficult. What is your story??

Just diagnosed with Scleroderma the end of 2016 at age 61. No problems beforehand. Under major stress attack at work, when flare ups started and in March 2017, elevated BP put me in ICU. I am in Georgia (USA). Right now I wish I could stop the collagen buildup across my chest and relieve the hard stiffness of my forearms which I feel is tissue aggravating blood vessels.
I agree with Lizzy, my 11 y.o. daughter’s secondary Raynaud is also gone. She has been treated in hospital, was medicated but major help came with the change of our diet. Look into Paleo, GAPS, Mayers way. Wishing you well