I've been taking this for a few years now. As I understand it it reduces stomach acid. I assume that stomach acid is there for a reason so is not having it a problem? Does it mean my food is not getting digested properly?
Lamsoprazol etc: I've been taking this... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Lamsoprazol etc
I don't really know the answer to your question but I do know you can have too little acid that cause many symptoms. I have taken Lansoprazole for about 10 years and it usually does the job of stopping acid reflux and heart burn. I take one a day but if needed I increase to two a day for a few days. If I stop it altogether the problem comes back very bad. I understand it to control the level of acid that is right for me.
According to this bodyecology.com/articles/lo... it is not a good thing. It's balancing good and bad as usual.
Are you on any other medication, like naproxen? Often they will give you something like Lansoprazole in order to coat your stomach to protect it from ulcers from other strong medication.
SSc can cause your mucous membranes to lose flexibility & stiffen so that your upper gastric sphincter doesn't close properly - this can cause heartburn / reflux or a persistent cough after lying down as gastric contents (acid, enzymes etc) leak back up the oesophagus when lying down.
Reducing the acidity reduces the damage caused by the reflux.
Most modern lifestyles and diets contain things like medications, coffee & alcohol which cause us too produce too much acid anyway so its unlikely to cause problems reducing the amount you produce.