Hi All, I am diagnosed Scleroderma with swallowing difficulties. recently I have the feeling of a lump in my throat when swallowing which feels uncomfortable when pressing the "adam's apple" more noticeable I think when I get tired, has anyone else experienced this? Many thanks.
Throat problems: Hi All, I am diagnosed... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Throat problems

Im not sure whether the specific issue u mention will be covered. But here is a link to videos on scleroderma and GI issues.
Hope it is of some help.
I'm beginning to feel this over the last few weeks. I've noticed my mouth is very dry and I keep sipping water to keep mouth wet but when I swallow I feel as if there is a lump round the Adam's apple
not that I could help David but I have the opposite problem..far too much saliva...although I am not aware of this until it is trickling down the sides of my mouth...which isn't pleasant...not got the 'lump' feeling but burning as food feels like I am swallowing a prickly red hot poker. I have to drink a lot of fluid on every mouthful to push the food down. Isn't our Sys. scl. a wonderfully complex illness which affects us all in so many ways! Have to get an endoscopy on Friday this week to investigate this so am sooo looking forward to another one of these lovely examinations! But, you might want to have a word with your rheumatologist about this and get it investigated. Very good luck going forward pet. Sorry I can't help you. x
If you have Scleroderma or other autoimmunity then this could be Sjögren's Disease? I have Sjögren's and go through stages of having a lump sensation in my throat and upper oesophogus as well as an extremely dry mouth. My rheumatolgist tells me that this is a classic feature of Sjögren's as our immune systems attack our salivary glands along affecting moisture production throughout our bodies.

Interesting, I have a dry mouth and have tried various gels/sprays which for me doesn't help so I drink lots of water which I find suits me the best. Earlier this year my eyes started to feel as if they had grit in them and going a little red, I have been given drops from my doctor which help when needed. He said it could be part of my autoimmune problem, Scleroderma, but no one has actual said Sjogren's. I feel very much on my own as I find Scleroderma has so many symptoms that affect people in different ways it can be quite confusing. It's sites like this that I find the most helpful, people with likewise problems. My rheumatologist isn't much help.
Sounds to me like you may have Sjögren's secondary to your Scleroderma - this is quite a common pairing ii am told. I had two rheumatologists who would only acknowledge Sicca Sjögren's as a common secondary to RA and weren't interested in it at all.
Then I relocated and was rediagnosed with primary Sjögren's by lip biopsy last year and things have changed - I was offered many more topical treatments and my neuro symptoms are being taken seriously at last. Sjögren's is more common than Scleroderma but primary Sjögren's is quite rare too and most doctors and many rheumatologists don't understand it at all. So I can sympathise with your sense of isolation very well. X
I have the same. I was referred to the ENT (ear, nose and throat) department. I had a swallow scan which showed that I was mostly dry and I was told to drink after swallows. I was also referred to a Swallow Specialist who told me that when I feel I am choking I have to hold my nose for a few seconds and then let the air out very slowly. It stops the feeling of panic and it works.
I have swallowing issues which feels like my food is stuck near the Adam's apple area I then sometimes bring my food back up which I always thought was related to my SSc but after having major issues with my cervical spine my consultant said was down the previous surgery I'd had. Unfortunately having more problems now and the 3rd vertabrae has slipped over the one below and is compressing my spinal so now need more surgery.
I have that, too. I feel like it is worse when I have substantial inflammation. I believe it is also connected to acid reflux. I have a slight narrowing of the esophagus, which they stretched, and I have it much less now.
Hi there I have SSc with swallowing problems 5chest infections in the last 8 months of which two of them left me with aspiration chest infections caused when the fluid one drinks is going down into my lungs. Had an assessment and my swallow if very poor and unsafe so I have to put a thinkening agent in all my drinks and they end up like the consistency of a McDonald's milkshake, not that bad. I'm going for a video fluroscopy next month to find out why this has happened and to determine how safe or unsafe my swollow is. So I wish us both good luck.
Best wishes
Hi yes I too have sjogrens with the scleroderma. The salivary gland on the right side has chronic inflammation and a narrowing of the salivary duct. I have learned how to massage it to make the saliva get through, the dentist showed me that. I use eye drops that alleviate the dryness in my eyes and I sip water all day, I find chewing gum helpful as well. The doctors give me salix pastilles that are useful. Recently I have had the lump feeling in my throat, this week I had a swallow test at the hospital and the result is the tube in my throat to the oesaphagus is very narrow. Anyway I have a follow up appointment with rheumatologist soon so hoping there is something that can be done to rectify that. Meanwhile I have discovered drinking smoothies are very helpful and nice. It is miserable, but keep going and do get it looked into. Hop that helps
I have the dry mouth and esophagus narrowing affect from time to time with my Scleroderma and it's complications with me for congestive heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. It comes and goes and is so annoying. I eat and chew slowly and when I'm going through the swallowing issue, I eat even slower and softer foods. I too retain dry mouth products to help, and they really do. I take less now that the season has changed. During the Winter months it seems I have dry mouth more frequently and especially at night and upon waking up. There's a lot of helpful answers here, therefore, I wish you very best for resolving any of your issues and doctors who delve more deeply into your conditions and wish to remedy them as soon as possible.
Am I the only one with too MUCH saliva then? HELP! ....if I don't have Sjorgens then what is the opposite of it? I do have dry eyes though. so maybe I only have a wee bit of Sjorgens....but please, anyone with systemic sclerosis and lung damage....do you too have too much saliva!
I don't know enough about Scleroderma and lung damage. But just to set the record straight - I do know that Sjögren's often causes dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and so you can have too many tears and too much saliva. And you can sweat profusely before it goes to the other extreme as it progresses.
Of course I can't say whether this is the case for you, but Sjögren's can also cause lung damage as well as damaging other organs. It is not just a matter of dry eyes and mouth. Lots of people have these but don't have Sjögren's.
I was told by a maxilofacial surgeon 2 years ago that my saliva production was normal and a rheum tested my eyes same year and said they were within normal range too. Both said not Sjögren's. Six months later in a new hospital my immunology was very positive (for Scleroderma rather than Sjögren's)and so I had a lip biopsy which showed 100% positive for advanced Sjögren's. How wrong were they?!

thanks for reply twitchytoes, good to get some info on this and to know how it can affect us.xx