Hey guys,
Do u get really hard skin on the base of your heels? Mine are really thick with dead skin which I'm scared of trying to get rid of in case it turns into a sore.
Any tricks for this would be really appreciated?
Hey guys,
Do u get really hard skin on the base of your heels? Mine are really thick with dead skin which I'm scared of trying to get rid of in case it turns into a sore.
Any tricks for this would be really appreciated?
Hi Gindy, I get 2 freezer bags and put loads of oilatum ointment in them, then I put my feet in and sit and watch tele all night, it works a treat.
fairy56 that's a cracking idea. 😃 I've got some of that Aveeno that should do the trick?
Flexitol heel balm with 25% urea is very good. this product had been recommended to me in a great past as the backs of my feet and heels get very dry at times.
I use a foot file to gently file some of the dead skin off when may feet are still dry, before I get in the shower. The file is not as invasive as what they do at a solon and I am in control of how much dead skin I remove and can do it gradually. Then I use vaseline and socks after my shower. I keep going back to old remedies.
Vaseline and socks overnight for all hard skin
I have this problem and go and see a podiatrists every 6 weeks and it really is the best money I spend. She cuts and files my nails and and gets rid of the really hard skin on my heels and different parts of my feet.
Kingfisherblue I'm really quite concerned any use of foot files could cause ulcers. I've got SSc and I'm prone to ulcers if I'm not really careful. I own one of those spinning sandpaper type foot things. I'm just worried of using it.
Why pay, you can be seen by a podiatrist at your local health centre or hospital.Ask your specialist or specialist nurse to refer you.Thats what mine did
Hello Glynis
I paid for the simply reason of trying to fit it in with my full time job. Go on saturday's so that I did not have to have more time off work. Even though I had to make up every minute of it. I was already finding it hard to take time off for doctors and hospital visits. But now I have been made redundant I will see if I can get one at the health centre or hospital. it was a good job that they did not know about my illness too much. But I suppose seeing time off for this and that. Doctors, dentists etc.,
I have increasing concerns about my feet including hard skin which despite mycophanolate is becoming more of an issue for me on hands as well. I learned from my GP that I am allowed to self refer to an NHS podiatrist because of my scleroderma. Simple form to fill in online with my current problems, medication etc and they have approved it so my first apt is on Monday - I will see what the recommendation is as I know they aim to help with as much advice for self management as possible
@cowhide are u in the UK, if so do u know if this self referral is nationwide? That'd be very handy as I could really do with seeing someone about my feet.
Like I said I'm quite worried about removing the thick dead skin myself as I don't want to start ulcers off as I'm so very prone to them.
I am in Leicestershire, leicspart.nhs.uk/_OurServic... I don't think it is a national policy but it might apply in your area too, check your local partnership trust website. My rheumy knew nothing about it but my GP had mentioned it and I checked with the podiatry helpline and they said fill the form in and they then decide if you are eligible, I would have thought anyone with scleroderma should be eligible due to the very nature of our disease.
Also just found this - confirms that long term conditions eligible for NHS podiatry, and scleroderma ulcers similar to diabetes and we have the additional issue of 'thick skin'
Wish you could edit posts - left the link off sorry! nhs.uk/Livewell/foothealth/...
cowhide you can edit posts, click the little downward pointing arrow/chevron and edit is a choice there. (On mobile view that is)
Thanks for all the links and advice though, that's a very handy thing to know.
Tbh, I rarely ask the gp for anything as I'm so used to services being unavailable. I live in East Sussex, and recently paid to see my pain doctor privately instead of waiting up to, and beyond 18 months for the NHS appointment. The pain doc sees 3 NHS patients a week, and even then you get bumped further down the list when more urgent patients are seen before u. It's a very disheartening experience. I dread to think how services will be affected in the coming years. Anyhow, that's going off topic lol.
I'll definitely be inquiring to my local NHS podiatrist, there's a central clinic quite close to where I live that I'm sure is where they operate from. I'll look online and call them up on Monday to confirm local procedure.
Thanks again, that's a great tip you've given me. It might even be worthwhile youbcreating a new thread to give a wider audience the info? I'm sure others will find it useful too.
I don't have severe hard skin sometimes use flexitol heel cream, often use dr organic manuka honey foot lotion hope this helps