I suffer from scleroderma, raynauds , psoriasis , and angina
New member: I suffer from scleroderma... - Scleroderma & Ray...
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What are you asking?
And I bet your confused about it?
Hi, I'm diagnosed with Small Vessel Disease/Ischemia and within this I get Raynaud's phenomenon, vascular spasms and Coronary Microvascular Disease (none blockage angina or variant angina). It's all about my vascular system suddenly closing up somewhere, sometime and making that area lack oxygen. This also leads to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (some call ME). I get white crusty skin and a fine pimply rash where the skin Ischemia as been but it as never been diagnosed as scleroderma just given Daktacort cream (for when it's raw) and emulsifying ointment for other times. Have they mentioned CREST? Have you been called neurotic yet, if not you will be or been told it's panic attacks?
Good luck kel

Welcome to the group.
Welcome to a very exclusive group that no one wants to be a member of. We are all friendly and generally well informed and definitely well intentioned. If you have any questions then post them here and you will get answers and advice. Wishing you all the best Helen
Thank you helen