itching in hands and fingers swelling... - Scleroderma & Ray...
itching in hands and fingers swelling and become red

That is part of Raynaud's. I cream my hands to soften the skin as far as possible to keep movement going and reduce itching. I use Acqueous cream. It is sold in big jars and is not expensive.
I am tormented with itching and skin rashes which started ten years ago and getting worse. I also have one area in my left palm and the sole of my left foot which causes me much distress. This was diagnosed as Scleroderma which often couple with Raynaud's. I use lots of prescribed creams and take one antihistamine tablet at nights which helps a lot.. I try to use washing up soap for sensitive hands as I am rubbish at wearing gloves. I am forever applying creams and other organic oils. It's a case of management of the symptoms and being gentle and kind to your body as a whole. I find the itching to be worse at nights especially if I am too warm so I use a fan throughout the nights to keep as cool as possible.
Moisturise as much as possible and ask your doctor to prescribe some medication for the itching. You will soon find a way to manage your symptoms. I know just how frustrated you must feel so I send you best wishes for a more comfortable future. Don't worry too much. Stress can make the symptoms worse.
Good luck!
Been on antihistamines for two years . Went to royal free thursday told ne I could try without. Day three itching like a cat with fleas had to take one