I am thinking of doing Tai Chi. Does anyone do it and if so does it help. I have limited Systemic Sclerosis and Raynauds, I have tried Yoga but found I could not do a lot of the exercises.
TAI CHI : I am thinking of doing Tai... - Scleroderma & Ray...

I do Tai Chi and have done for the past 7 years! I do the Lee family style which is geared for health benefits, at the beginning I had too take it slowly and just do a bit but my instructor was excellent and gradually I built up. Sometimes I cannot do a full move but adjust it so that I can still achieve. I suffer with Limited SSc, raynauds along with having had major neck surgery and other joint issues and just recently had major bowel surgery but went back to Tai Chi just 4 weeks after the op, albeit doing limited moves & sitting out frequently to rest. From my personal view I have found it too be very helpful in keeping me moving and feeling better generally.
I have found tai chi wonderful, have done it for years! On occasion if I needed to I had z rest. I also found the others in the group great.
I attend a CFQ class - a type of Qigong - and do some Nordic walking. Both these seem hugely beneficial. Like you I have limited SS and Raynauds plus the umbrella term of Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. Fibromyalgia, too, As with all things plan your time carefully and allow for some rest periods. Good luck.
Thanks for all your replies. I shall look into doing Tai Chi. I feel I must do something.
Hello, I used to do Tai Chi, like you found Yoga too hard. I loved it helped a lot with balance. However the venue changed from a room with underfloor heating to an unheated school gym. So I stopped going. Best of luck with it.
I just found videos on line for yoga in a chair. I also have
scleroderma and I find that getting up and down is very difficult. I also am unable to straighten my fingers which made doing yoga difficult. I think Tai Chi would be good.