Is anyones know if any research is going around about scleroderma? Does he know if there are positive?Is there any hope?
research for scleroderma: Is anyones... - Scleroderma & Ray...
research for scleroderma

Yes there is a huge amount of research going on into scleroderma both in the UK and worldwide. Treatments are improving and there is every hope for the future. You could look on the RSA website or give them a call on 01270 872776 for further information.

Good morning. Yes, there is currently research going on in the UK, Europe and further. The Raynaud's & Scleroderma Association strives to find a cure for both Raynaud's & scleroderma by funding research. We have a section on our website detailing results from research we have funded, the link is here We certainly have hope that one day a cure will be found. If you follow us on facebook or twitter, we post research results from around the world. Best wishes. RSA.
There is now plenty of research. The impetus started 30 years ago by Ann Maudsley who has it herself and created the Raynaud's and Sleroderma Association. They are very helpful. The greatest difficulty is the fact that people do not want to donate to such a little known condition, whereas for heart or arthritis... Research is poorly funded. Ann did extraordinary things to get people to donate for research. However it is a very complex condition and it ill take a long time to get to any conclusion. The best thing we can do is to donate and agree to act in research groups.
Professor Denton at the Royal Free Hospital is in charge of a group who are researching Scleroderma and there are many more.