really need to do something im getting so bored of just being in trying to keep warm.. help before i go insane....
Need help on deciding what volunteer ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Need help on deciding what volunteer work i can do...

Thought about evening classes? There's everything from Caligraphy to Cookery. Learning a language is v good for the brain I hear. Volunteering might be worth a look & Talking Books for the Blind is an excellent contribution to society.
If your condition involved arthritis, knitting, crochet & even learning a musical instrument gives the hands lots of exercise. Try lots of things till one or two float your boat.
You are quite right. I believe in distraction; while you are busy doing something interesting you are not thinking about your problems. How old are you? If you are over 50 you can join the U3A (The University of the Third Age). Just put University of the Third Age on the internet and get details. I have been a member for 10 years and I am never bored. You can join interest groups or lead groups for free. We all have much experience to impart or interests we want to fulfill.
Thanks ladies .. I'm 30 I 've started crocheting and I'm trying to design and make warm funky clothing for peeps like us who find it hard to stay warm and not look like an Eskimo.. Lol... that also won't cost a bomb... if you guys have any ideas on what fabric to use that 'll be great... I'm during fleece at the mo x
Felt making is the answer. Not only can you make wonderful clothing but it also helps to keep active and warms up the hands a treat. Could also use feet to roll and warm them up as well (messy though). It is easy to make fine felt just using fingers and a little friction. Take a look at YouTube for videos. I make fibre art and it keeps me busy. I exhibit at the Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln as well as many other major galleries. I will be having a solo exhibition at the Sam score Gallery next August and although it is pressure and a challenge I need a goal to work towards because like you being bored is something I do not want to contend with. The International felt Association has branches throughout Britain.
I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I realize that may not be your cup of tea. But it has saved my life. Getting out there to help others see things in a more positive light is the most precious thing to me!! It’s my reason for any semblance of happiness. I have hope. A world without disease. Someday. 💕🌹❤️🌷🌺🌹💕❤️🌷🌺