Does anyone else have rash on face as well as raynauds!
I've raynauds, sun Gave me rash on fa... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I've raynauds, sun Gave me rash on face! Dr says its roseasea! Was recom. by psychiatrist to read highly sensitive person very interesting!

I recently had the same experience and my G.P. prescribed Metrogel cream which cleared the problem up after a few weeks. He suggested that I was under stress as I'm a full-time carer for my disabled wife.
I too have Rosacea and take Metrogel and Oracea (an oral form of docycline). My doctor has always blamed it on stress and the rosacea recently cleared up when I went on a gluten free diet. My dermatologist said it has not yet been proven that gluten contributes to rosacea, but I am under the most stress I've ever had (family issues, challenging job and recent dx of two chronic liver diseases), yet by face is clear since changing my diet. I too have Raynauds but not Scleroderma, though I am noticing skin changes, especially on my hands.
Thank you so much for letting me know this! I use metronidazole cream for face which has improved it so much, until I go out in the sun then it kicks off again! Will try gluten free diet and let u know! Thanks again
Regards Kay.
Hi Poppykay - I hope you're feeling well apart from the Raynauds and rosacea! Could you please tell me the author of 'Highly Sensitive Person' as it sounds very interesting. Thank you. BarbJ x
Hi Poppykay,
I hope things have settled down for you and so you don't need my ideas but just in case.......
1) Juice of half a lemon (15ml bottled lemon juice) or lime in a glass of warm to hot water, ideally as soon as you get up. Try this for a month, if it's not helping by then you can stop (although it helps expel toxins and kick starts your liver and kidneys if you have it when you get up - according to a Boots article from a few years ago). Definitely improves both my rosacea and my skin in general.
2) Hydrous Ointment - this is thick - I place a "splodge" on each cheek. Give it a minute to warm up and then gently rub in
3) 3i Cavilon Cream - apply this on it's own or after your moisturiser - I use E45 or Cetraben.
4) I also use Timodine Cream if it's really bad
I get all the items in 2,3 and 4 on prescription but then I get free prescriptions on medical grounds.
Wishing you all the best,