Hi my 9 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with raynauds and systemic sclerosis, we live in Ayrshire Scotland and just lookin to see if anyone else in Scotland has this thanks
My 9 yr old daughter: Hi my 9 yr old... - Scleroderma & Ray...
My 9 yr old daughter
Really sorry to hear that your young daughter has this pest of a disease. Such an awful illness for one so young . I have had this for over 22years but only diagnosed 10 years Ago as my Gp had never heard of it ! I am curious to know if you have the advantage of a specialist unit in Scotland ? I live near London and attend The Royal Free in Hampstead. But there are those who come from Wales to get expert help so obviously hospitals dealing with scleroderma are thin on the ground . I hope your daughter is one of those who are not affected too seriously. I am 63 now and although worsening due mainly to my advanced years I think, I am by no means as bad as others . So I trust she can gain hope from this and keep on this site for moral support and much more as we share our concerns and draw strength from one another. It can otherwise seem a lonely illness that nobody really understands. My very best wishes.
Thank u so much for your reply, in the last few weeks she has got worse cos the temp has decreased, it such a shame for her, yeah there is a really good hospital in Glasgow for sick kids and the doctors she has are fantastic, she just had another lung function test 2 weeks ago so we are awaiting the results for that, I just hope it doesn't get any worse, thanks again for ur reply best wishes