Has anyone any experience of trying acupuncture to see if helps their Raynauds?
Does anyone know if acupuncture can h... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone know if acupuncture can help with Raynauds?
I am having acupuncture for pain relief but I haven't noticed any difference with the Raynaud's but then she isn't treating that part just the pain which is working on some parts but not on the bad hip bursitis.
Hi there I had acupuncture for this a few years ago - I have severe secondary raynauds & in my experience the effect/relief was only temporary... I tried it a couple of times..it's expensive..
I have had acupuncture for a skin irritation & that really worked.. so I guess it depends...
I find for raynauds it really is the management with practical things - like the heated gloves/ handwarmers & dressing sensibly is the better non- drug option. Good luck
I had acupuncture years ago. It was absolutely useless.
I have tried it. It was OK on my left arm, but the right arm was no good - it was as though I was receiving painful electric shocks. I shouted to the acupuncturist to get the needles out! Afterwards, she said my 'gates' were blocked. This may be to do with my Scleroderma.