I have Raynauds, SLE, APS and Sjorgens. I recently saw a new registrar who trained under Prof Caroline Gordon. She would like to change my diagnosis to MCTD. Her letter to my GP talks about my hands, amongst other things.
I have contractures, and bent fingers, with a palm that won't straighten. My fingers swell like sausages, especially my little finger which won't go down and is bent over from the first joint. I have complained about tightness on my fingers and hands for some time to no avail.
Now my elbows won't straighten and are so painful, I am sure it is connected but the gp says not. Anyway it appears it is a possibility my hands are either digital scleroderma or sclerosis or diabetic cheirarthropathy.
Gp says no to diabetic option as am type 2 diabetic for only 4 years and under control. They think it is to do with the inflammatory arthritis. I am aware either way nothing can be done.
I don't have ulcers on my fingertips, just occasional chillblains, my feet are worse. My toes are also swollen like sausages and bending over. I can't see how it could be scleroderma, although I admit it could be a possibility. I do have swallowing issues but put that down to the sjorgens.
I would assume that if I had scleroderma symptoms that my raynauds would be worse? I also assume that having diabetes and a connective tissue disorder that it was a double whammy to my hands. They are so painful, to use, skin on fingertips is so thin and gets dry and cracked and splits.
Any advice or experiences welcome. My next rheumy appt is soon, am sure the scleroderma antibody is negative along with the MCTD antibody. I hate it all.