My son is 4 and a half and has always been a bit of a snorer. I have noticed his snoring has got louder and his breathing more obstructive in the last 6 months, maybe longer. He has had two ear infections in the past year which I believe have triggered the obstructive breathing . He is a mouth breather day and night and in the last 3 months has started having definitive pauses or apnoeas when sleeping. He has had many colds as children do which has difficult to determine if the noisy and obstructive breathing is due to being within a period of being unwell. We visited the GP last week and he has been referred for a sleep study.I have joined this forum as I am so anxious about his breathing that it is affecting my own sleep as I am so worried when I can hear him gasping for breath. His weight has not changed in the last 6 months, he has started suffering nightmares recently and he is still in pull ups at night although been dry during the day for 2 years. I believe this may all be related to obstructive sleep apneoa and he likely needs tonsils and adenoids removed.
I am looking for support as I am so worried about him having prolonged apneic episodes that I now want to sleep beside him to keep a close eye. Therefore keen to share other experiences of children with obstructive sleep apneoa. Although currently undiagnosed I am confident this will be the outcome of the sleep study.