Zopiclone withdrawl: Hi, I'm new to this site... - Sleep Matters

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Zopiclone withdrawl

Boyshape profile image
40 Replies

Hi, I'm new to this site... Though if I'd known about it I would have joined many years ago. IV been on the max 7.5mg of zopiclone for 6 years and have developed a complete addiction and tolerance to it. The last few months iv been noticing serious side effects from it too so decided the time was right to come off it... I'm aware how horrific withdrawal can be, and my intention after consulting my gp was for me to do it all as rapidly as possible.. Last night was the last night on 1/4 tablet and I'm already feeling like sh#t. I have medication I can take for some of the real anxiety and to try help me sleep... Though I'm not expecting too for the next few day... Anyone with and advice/support really welcome right now... Thanks (^_-)

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Boyshape profile image
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40 Replies
Mathewsmith profile image

I never had your length of use.

I would not put yourself through a horrible experience just to stop quickly. My experience is to taper at your own speed. I have read that gabapentine is good to help withdrawl.

Please update us on how you manage.

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Mathewsmith

Hi thanks for the response. Still in the grips of withdrawal but I think I'm over the hump. Iv had withdrawal from numerous medications but have to admit this is by far the worst.. IV been wired for 3 nights not even able to go to bed just up and about pacing... I take pregablin which has been a help I increased my dose for a couple of days, I also took baclofen to help, cbd oil cocodamol promethazine (which really helped) and a very limited number of diazapam.. I created a plan and chart as to when and how to take extra medication and marked them off when taken so I could keep track and avoid a potential overdose, as I was aware I was loading up on some strong meds... I wouldn't wish this on anyone... But to everyone out there in a similar position there is a route off zopiclone, its far from easy... The next challenge is to tackle natural sleep.. Zopiclone was a wonder drug for me when I started it nearly 7 years ago but I'd started noticing real side effects from longterm use... Some of which were actually causing insomnia not treating it, along with anxiety and agitation memory issues and headaches. Currently learning self hypnosis to try aid my sleep, and still taking promethazine which helps but leaves me groggy the next day... These no quick fix here but I'm determined to improve my sleep hygiene and go from there... Not sure how long the withdrawal will last but for anyone who is interested I will keep you posted. Perhaps my experience may be beneficial to someone ellse.... High grace serious strength CBD oil taken it quite large but safe quantities has worked for me too... Still hanging in there but looking foward to when all the screening sensations in my brain settle down.

Mathewsmith profile image
Mathewsmith in reply to Boyshape


Your explanation of what you are going through is helpful to me. I have noticed on the internet there is a lot of information about benzodiazepine withdrawal but less for the "Z" drugs. Your statement that you "felt wired... just up and about pacing" has been my experience too. For me, it passes after a few weeks and I do manage to sleep eventually each night. It's a horrible experience.

I have learned from my Dr not to take Zopiclone every night and not to take if for more than 3 weeks max. When stopping I taper off as much as I can - in the end, taking 1/8 of a 7.5 mg tablet every other night. I think this lessens the withdrawal but it does not irradicate it.

I hope you have seen the worst of it and you are now getting better sleep. If not you should definitely not suffer alone and you should tell your GP what you are going through. It might be that he/she has some ideas or even just talking about it may give you some new insight.

My final thought is that the medical profession introduced us to the drug so they should help us manage it.....

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Mathewsmith

Yes the medical profession are very quick to prescribe without any warning about the hazards. Especialy taking long term, nearly 7 years for me.... But when we need to come off the support is greatly lacking. Essentially left to our own devices. Tapering is essential, it should be noted for everyone that there are only two drugs that can cause seizures from sudden discontinuation, and they are alcohol and zopiclone. So never suddenly stop it's potentially fatal.

I'm still struggling with withdrawal but definitly broke the back of it. The first 3 nights I didn't sleep but did on the 4th...the side effects seemed to greatly reduce after this point. Though I'm expecting to feel edgy and anxious and generally crumby for the next few weeks.

Thanks for the reply... So to anyone comming off zopiclone it is possible but not always straight foward.

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Mathewsmith

On tour note about there being plenty of information on benzo withdrawal and little on z drug withdrawal from the few studies I have found.. They demonstrate that z drugs are just as addictive as benzos and withdrawal can be just as severe

Daz2310 profile image

I’m in same boat mate 4 years taking 7.5mg the withdrawal is horrendous do not try to come off it without the support of your gp, I would recommend weaning down over a few weeks first got to 3.75 mg when your body is used to that lower dose you may be able try to come off , other drugs help to calm the withdrawal but it’s dangerous to just stop , speak to gp and good luck. Any questions inbox me 👍🏻

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Daz2310

Z drugs work on same receptors as Benzos so essentially are Benzos.

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Yes and just as addictive sadly

Zappa61 profile image
Zappa61 in reply to Boyshape

Hi sorry I'm late, been on the Zoppies for years, I only take the 7.5 but the fear of coming off them I Dread, I've tapered off before but always back on them, would you mind if I got back to you, my Dr put me on another small tab a couple of months ago to take with the zoppie it helps me as well, what I'm thinking I may try coming off the Z with the help of this new one, I thought I'd just say, I'll get back to you with other name, :)

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Zappa61

Yeah sure.... IV tried many things to come off them and have at last succeeded.... So anything from my personal experience that could be helpful I'm more than happy to share.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

I’ve just tapered off 15mg 6 weeks off not sleeping much at all

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

You have been off zopiclone 6 weeks now? Are you taking any other sleep meds? I haven't had zopiclone for nearly a week....but of a ride... Still mot really sleeping.... Did you notice how long it took for an anxiety and agitation from the withdrawal took to subside?

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

Yeah 6 weeks, I take a unisom every now and then it’s an antihistamine. Otherwise I don’t sleep much. It’s hard really hard anxiety bad some days worse than others. It takes time for ur brain to recover and everyone is different so it might not be so long for u. I’ve tried everything else so all I can do is wait for cns to start to recover from being tranqued for so long.

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Thanks... Sorry for the situation.... IV spent the last 8 months with a dramatic change in meds, so have permenantly suffered withdrawal or the effects on your brain when you firsts try something new... I left comming off the zopiclone to last... Knew it would be the worst... I'd been on the zopiclone so long I'd forgotten what non chemical sleep could feel like. Taking it was obliterating my memory increasing my anxiety and agitation, and they were making my sleep worse, periods of complete insomnia.

Not feeling great but had a plan and stuck to it, seems to have worked... I guess that's step one though right... I'm Off the pills but still going to have the problem of the sleepless nights. I have promethazine which is an antihistamine too... I used to take 2 with a zopiclone.... Still taking the promethazine right now until I'm a little more level headed then will keep those for emergencies as they leave me in a daze the next dsy.

IV been tranqued for too long too.... Waking back up isn't always easy, it's liked being plugged back in not sure I'm ready for that.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

So how is ur sleep now? How long have u been off?

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

I struggle terribly with all consuming anxiety too... It part rules my life... Comming off the zopiclone only makes it worse... I don't know what medication you take for this and I know everyone is entirely different but iv tried almost everything to keep it in check and do have meds that help me... It's still always there though ready to pounce.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

Did u know coming off these meds cause anxiety? Look up benzo withdrawal syndrome. What ur feeling is normal

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Thanks, yes I know the added anxiety is just a symptom of the withdrawal... I'm taking extra pregablin to try manage it.... Crazy that we're left to deal with something as severe as benzo type withdrawal with no assistance, when the symptoms can be just as horrific and dangerous as comming off any class a street drugs. Currently at the stage where I'm getting banging headaches and cocodamol are barely touching them.. Thanks for the support. Appreciated.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

Join benzo buddies, heaps of people there on z drugs or trying to get off. Lots more support there.

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Cheers thanks... Just off Z about 9 days now... Keep thinking it's getting better only to find another wave of withdrawal.. I'm snatching a couple of hours sleep here and there. Antihistamines make me feel terrible too and only marginally improve my sleep. I hope things improve for you soon.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

Here is some advice I pulled from a person on benzo buddies who had severe insomnia after wd from Benzos.

He slept 5-10 hrs a week for the first 9 months. Extreme case but he’s ok now.

I hope u will come thru the worst soon. Everyone is different so some may take weeks others months. X no one knows.

“If you want to know why this is happening, it has to do with your down regulated GABA and the lack of balance with Glutamate. Both are nervous system receptors. GABA is your body's "brake pedal" or what slows things down and makes you calm and relaxed. Glutamate is your body's "gas pedal" or what makes you active and alert or even fight or flight. Normally the two are in a "balancing act" so one doesn't overtake the other. But when your GABA is temporarily taken off line by the Benzo, Glutamate rules the day and night. That's why you might feel wired all the time, have racing thoughts and are never sleepy. It takes some time for your body to repair the temporary damage. No one knows how long that will be. But your body knows exactly how to repair the damage and put your GABA and Glutamate back into balance. However, it is a very nonlinear process...UP and DOWN, one step forward, 2 steps back for some time for most.

Time is the healer. Time will get your sleep back, but it will come back in fits and starts...a real roller coaster ride for most.”

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Thanks, your a star. I knew the besics of how it worked on your system, but that was really helpful... Sleep deprecation grinds you down. Then z withdrawal on top is a rough ride. Determined to see it through, I guess I just have to be patient. Thanks again. 🤍

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

No problem all the best I know it’s hard I haven’t slept in 2 days now. Just have to remind urself it takes time

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Sleep should never have to be a luxury.... IV always envied girlfriends in the past who put their head on the pillow and sleep 10 hours straight... I hope you can find some sleep soon... I was wired all last night, seem to have filled the floor with sketches.... Anything to try distract the brain.... Comming off zopiclone had become a necessity so I know all this is worth it. Like you said we just have to be patient. It takes time.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

Thanku. I hope it settles for u soon too. The only way is off, otherwise up it goes higher and higher as u build tolerance. Stick at it it will end some day!

Bonnie-05 profile image
Bonnie-05 in reply to Shayna1980

Hi how do I join benzo buddies?

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Bonnie-05


Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Shayna1980

Are you managing to get any more sleep? Do you find if you take antihistamines leaves you feeling hungover the next day? Iv always avoided them for that reason but they are the only way I can get any sleep right now.

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Boyshape

No last night zero, night before 4 hours, night before 3. All over the place. Antihistamines make me feel awful and I only get a few hrs anyway

How long have u been off z

Zappa61 profile image
Zappa61 in reply to Boyshape

Hi Boyshape My apology please, Nortriptyline 10mg this New med I'm on it helps me on top of a Zoppie works a treat, so that was what I was thinking, can any Member shed some light with this med, I'm going to try, the Dr has already said I have to come off Zopiclone cause of my Age ? hope this may help, Stay safe :)

Boyshape profile image
Boyshape in reply to Zappa61

Thanks zappa61.... It's not a med iv come across sorry.

Zappa61 profile image
Zappa61 in reply to Boyshape

Maybe worth a try, it agrees with me, & helps sleep :)

Shayna1980 profile image
Shayna1980 in reply to Zappa61

It’s a trycyclic antidepressant works for some people but not others not me unfortunately but glad it’s helping you

Daz2310 profile image
Daz2310 in reply to Zappa61

I would be interested with the name of the other pill also as need to cut down and eventually kick altogether

Zappa61 profile image
Zappa61 in reply to Daz2310

Hi Daz2310 My apology please, Nortriptyline 10mg this New med I'm on it helps me on top of a Zoppie works a treat, so that was what I was thinking, can any Member shed some light with this med, I'm going to try, the Dr has already said I have to come off Zopiclone cause of my Age ? Stay safe Bud :)

Daz2310 profile image
Daz2310 in reply to Zappa61

Thanks for the reply can I ask if there’s any side effects affiliated with the new medication

Zappa61 profile image
Zappa61 in reply to Daz2310

Hi I've had none at all, only a good nights sleep, its worth it sleep is a hard for me but it helps, :)

Daz2310 profile image
Daz2310 in reply to Zappa61

Thanks for the advice and reply’s 👍🏻 Much appreciated

Catsamaze profile image

Trying to get off Trazadone. Was at 100 mg for a year and am down to 50. Withdrawal has been a nightmare. But I’m trying to see it through.

Thejosephbear profile image

How are you getting on now?

Have you managed to get off them and are you sleeping ok now?

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