Hi! I'm new to this forum and anxious to see if anyone else experiences what I do at night.
These nightly episodes have been occurring for years and I always feel good during the day. It's usually not long after I fall asleep....I wake up and start hallucinating vividly around the room and then I'm hit with a freight train of symptoms (extreme heart rate, sweating, lightheaded, blurry vision, numbness and tingling, pressure, burning, etc). It usually takes 30 minutes or more to finally subside. When I have these episodes (which is multiple nights a week) I feel like the ambulance needs to be called or I'm going to pass out and die. I also take beta blockers and Valium (if needed) and they cannot combat these episodes at all.
I've had my heart tested, sleep study, etc and am currently being tested for an adrenal tumor which is so far looking negative. I am definitely an anxious person but have little stress in my life so I have no idea why this is happening to me! I am desperate for answers!!!