I've had insomnia on and off for years. Now I take Zopiclone Phenergan and Clonazepam regularly. I still wake up on and off and don't like taking all these meds as they've made me so constipated I hardly go. I tried stopping them but then couldn't even get off to sleep like I used to do before I started them, and just lay awake all night. The GP said I'd be awake for about 5 nights but it ok for him to say stop as I suffer chronic pain and it's so bad by bed time I'm grateful the tablets knock me out. I'm scared to now stop them. Has anyone else been on sleeping meds a long time and managed to come off them. I never feel tired and don't sleep in the day. Despite chronic pain for years. I tried Melatonin but that did nothing for me. Any advice please. I'm 70 years old now.
Insomnia: I've had insomnia on and off for... - Sleep Matters

I,m 72 and have not had a good night sleep for over 20 years, I wake and read or start my housework at 4 o clock in the morning. My doctor doesn,t like giving sleeping aids because he said they are addictive but what have I got to lose now,I feel better if I,ve had a better night sleep. It will always be broken sleep but at least I will feel better and can cope with the day ahead. Like you I have joint pain with arthritis and tinnitus, also discomfort with pelvic prolapse.

Yes they may well be addictive but a 73 year old friend in Texas USA is now on them and he says so what if they are addictive at our age and he sleeps better. I was lucky my GP allowed them but if I try and stop them I lay awake all night. Insomnia is horrible and I've often done ironing at 2 in the morning. And get cross and upset as I can't watch TV as my old dog is asleep in the lounge and I don't like to disturb her. Do you at least get off to sleep???? I tried stopping them and couldn't now even get off to sleep. Sorry to hear you suffer pain....my pain is awful...It's when I eat....had it 4 years now and desperate for help and now waiting hopefully to see yet another gastroenterologist but heard nothing yet. It's made me very alone and depressed and if I add insomnia I can't cope too well . Thank you for replying.
Often I will not get off to sleep and will be awake at midnight, then awake for the day at 5 o clock but it’s all broken sleep. I live in Uk outside London,our health service is very bad, we wait up to 3 weeks for an appointment. I resorted to ordering zopiclone online at 45 pound English money for 7 so now and again I will take one,then I wake up very groggy, I can,t win. My daughter is 52 and goes to work she has the same problem. I feel tired most of the time and lack interest in family get togethers due to being tired.

Hello goodness it's disgusting you've had to pay all that money. One doctor wanted me to stop them if he had his way he said. I know they rarely prescribe them. I used to eventually get off to sleep without them but like you had broken sleep all night up at 3, 4 and 5. But since I've been on them ive tried to stop and couldn't even get off to sleep and this GP said I'd have 5 days with no sleep at all and I dreaded that yes same here I live in Hampshire and I can't get an appointment for up to 3 weeks or more with my GP. It sucks. I am never tired at night tho or in the day. They don't make me drowsy a m. Perhaps you should take it a bit earlier. ? They also say it's old age but that's rubbish as I know people my age and older who sleep well. Is it the pain that wakes you up I wonder. My pain will eventually subside in the night but starts again the next day. What a combination for us. Perhaps if not you can take half a tablet. I actually take 14 mg that's 2 at night. I still wake up in the night once and about 5.30 then have breakfast quick and if groggy a bit sleep if lucky then till 6.30. Good luck Delythn.
I never sleep and I’m 32. I never have slept good. I wake 3-5 times a night. It’s exhausting. I don’t take sleep aids as they make me feel hungover the next day. I have found that smoking pot gets me to sleep, not perfect I still wake once or twice but better than feeling like shit the next day or being addicted. I take colonipins too but they don’t do much for sleep.
Hi sorry your sleep is bad. The sleepers don't make me feel hungover and that. I've tried pot but that didn't help. My son smokes it and he sleeps well. Insomnia is not nice. Thanks for replying