1. Get into a routine that suits you, but keep bed-time and get-up-time the same each day irrespective of whether it is a work day or not. Your body is better if it has a routine, so weekends are no different to weekdays.
2. In my relationships I have always tried never to end the day on cross words, and I try to use the same strategy in life. Ensure by the end of the day you have shelved all your concerns. Even if it means writing things down; give up on what you cannot conquer today, and start tomorrow anew. Do not sleep with worries on your mind.
3. Try what works for you in terms relaxation techniques each day. Music, Yoga, Meditation, Pray, Reading … do something that helps you switch off and ideally do it before bed.
4. No electronics or distractions in the bedroom. Bedrooms are meant for sleep … OK as adults you can use them for an alternative activity too, but no electronics in there. It is not conducive to sleep.
5. If you cannot get to sleep after all your relaxation techniques and your warm glass milk, then by all means get up walk around, or do a puzzle, or whatever it takes to relax you, but get back to bed after and try not to get into the habit of doing this on a regular basis. For example when I first hit a hotel room when working away from home I often end up going for a long walk on my first night away, but then settle back into a routine.
6. And as ever, always seek professional help and support groups. Others have good ideas.