Has anyone with sickle cell disease been pregnant and gone through labour?
Pregnancy/Labour experience in sickle ... - Sickle Cell Society
Pregnancy/Labour experience in sickle cell disease

Hey yes I have. I have 2 children. My youngest is just 9 months. Both pregnancies were perfectly fine. However my sc is very controlled I don’t really have crisis.
Thanks. My ob and anaesthestist are pushing for me to have a planned induction and preplanned epidural because I'm sickle cell. I don't feel that an epidural is needed but don't know anyone else who has sc.
I have two beautiful daughters first 11yes and the other 8yrs both sc. Just eat alot of fruit's veg. Water rest avoid infection.. eat fresh potatoes leaves extract the juice although its not easy to drink but nice. Spinach. Etc u wull be fine
It doesnt mean they will give you epidural straight away, it means the papers will be pre signed for you to have it. meaning as soon as you ask for it you can have it straight away if you want it. Other people have to wait and sign papers and get told the risks which can take time. I was induced both times it is just so they can monitor the entire labour and birth as giving birth can be very traumatic on the body. Being in labour can trigger crisis but you know your body it is up to you
I have 3 children. My first pregnancy was induced at 36 weeks due to my daughter's slow growth. I was in labour for over 24 hours. It failed. I had a ceaserean section eventually. My other two were also c-section. All my SCD friends had a c-section as well. Don't be discouraged though. Just know you and your baby will be fine.
Hello. Its interesting that you say your pregnancy was induced due to your daughter's slow growth. The same thing happened to me with my first pregnancy. That was over 20 years ago and unfortunately I didn't ask many questions at the time, and they didn't explain it that well. It seems that the slow growth was sickle cell related. Do YOU have more information?
Yes it's part of the sickle cell disease. The cells damage the placenta innards similar way like you get renal impairment and changes in the back of your eyes. He started off on the 90th centile for weight and was born on the 25th centile at 37 weeks. Had to buy him premature baby clothes.
I was also told that with pregnancy in sickle cell, some times the body decides the mother is more important than the baby thereby directing nutrients away from the baby to the mother. I think it can be quite complicated but the results are pretty much the same. We are induced. My third was born at 33 weeks because I was leaking protein heavily. I was given 1 day to prepare for his arrival. My second was born at 37 weeks. She was getting too big. Like I said it's quite complicated.
Hi I have 3 children, all 3 pregnancies were fine my sickle is well controlled and I saw a specialist haematology team every 4-6 weeks. First pregnancy was normal delivery at 36 weeks, he just decided to come early but was in good health, second was emergency 38 weeks emergency c-section because of meconium (he pooed) then third pregnancy I was induced at 39 weeks because I was just tired however they would of allowed me to go on until baby was ready. Good luck all will be well. You definitely need a good support system around you
My pregnancy went on and on because I had very low platelets due to ITP. In the end at 10 months I gave birth to my bundle of joy via c section. Wishing you all the best, you are in my prayers and you and baby are both blessed🙏🏾
Remove fear just avoid anyone who inplant fear around your know u arr the strongest woman on earth we did it u can also do it. Avoid infection..eat healthy food pls me during pregnancy i eat veg like .... fruits water every corner of the house is my food and fruits incase i forgot to eat it in my room..its down stir waiting for me. Every concern i have all that will help i and baby. The most important thing. Avoid emotional trauma. Its bad. Ok feel free u are a hero