How long have you been diagnosed with uterine/endometrial cancer? Were you having symptoms? What were the signs and symptoms you experienced?
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How long have you been diagnosed with uterine/endometrial cancer? Were you having symptoms? What were the signs and symptoms you experienced?
Please share your experiences and interact with other members in the community below.
Hi! I was diagnosed about 2.5 years ago after going through a round of IVF. I did not realize it but I did have pain and irregular bleeding as my symptoms. I underwent fertility sparing treatment for about 1 year. I have been NED for about 1.5 years.
I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer in 2017. I presented in my gynecologist’s office with a sudden faint pink discharge. I was examined and it was determined that I had polyps. I had an in office biopsy, which was later reported as benign. My gynecologist scheduled me for a D&C which resulted in the Endometrial Cancer diagnosis. Treatment plan was surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation for Stage 3C1 Endometrial Cancer.
I was diagnosed in September 2020. I had no symptoms. Diagnosis came after a pap smear. I was diagnosed with pT2N0 uterine serous adenocarcinoma. Treatment consisted of 6 rounds of chemotherapy at 3 week intervals to be followed by 25 external radiation sessions and 1 or 2 internal sessions.
Hi , I was diagnosed February 2019 after having heavy bleeding had hysterectomy July 2019 . I had no Ins so it took me 4 months to find help . It is stage 4b grade 3 adenocarcinoma , had 6 rounds chemo taxol/carbo . I am 1year and a month from finishing chem doing good right now . I also was having constipation and bladder control problems.
Hi. Sounds like we had similar symptoms and diagnosis. I experienced heavy bleeding before being diagnosed with endometrial cancer. My diagnosis was caught at an early stage but was at a grade 3. Glad to know that you're doing well now.
I had had some pelvic discomfort but this had been going on for years. I have ibs so this can also cause irritable bladder. I also had pain with sex and eczema in the perineal area which had got worse since menopause. The symptom that alerted me however was blood loss. I called 111, they asked me to phone my Doctor and she put me on the path to investigation which led to a diagnosis of cancer.
Hi all. I was diagnosed Jan 2021, after going to the doctors all last year with continual bleeding, and was simply told I was peri menopausal and he took bloods which came back OK (only iron, thyroid checked - NOT Hormone level, so I was post menopausal)- I am 55. I jog 5 k weekly and had no real pain. I did have discomfort when the bleeding started in March 2020, in my rectrum area when going from sitting to standing. The final straw with the doctors came when I leaked urine one Sunday morning in Nov 2020. Since then the NHS in the gyno services in UK been brilliant, scans, weekly appointments, resulting in hysterectomy 5 weeks ago. Final prognosis stage 3 - chemo and radiology starting in a month due to COVID vacs.
Interesting as I have researched causes of endometrial cancer, and I had a hysterectomy 30 years ago, and did have a bleed through coughing after surgery. On one site it did comment that this can be a significant factor, obviously there is more than one cause or reason for people having.
I feel well, although sweats are prominent, but just recovering from surgery and preparing myself mentally for chemo.
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories, it is so good to hear the highs and lows. My love goes out to you all.
Sunnyrainbow Thanks for sharing you experience and I wish you all the best in your recovery. If you are interested in attending a support SHARE has various groups for women with a uterine/endometrial cancer diagnosis. The support groups provide a safe space for women to talk about their experience, provide resources and to be uplifted. SHARE also has a uterine cancer helpline with trained volunteer as peers to help guide you through your experience with treatment. The Helpline volunteers can be reached by calling 844-582-6005.