I'm new and this is my first time posting. Looking for some positive vibes because I am quite the worrier. I was having some abdominal pain back in Dec and went to my primary. She suggested a CT scan and some food allergy testing. Come to find out I am gluten intolerant and that I have a cyst, about the size of a peach, on the inside walling of my uterus. She suggests I make an apportionment with my OBGYN. From there my OBGYN did a CA 125 blood test and it came back as a 79. She referred me out to a specialist. Said specialist is a Gynecologic Oncologist and works at the Women's Cancer Center here in my city. I am 29 and keep telling myself everything is just fine but it freaks me out that my OBGYN immediately sent me to a cancer specialist. Is this common?
Looking for positive feedback - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Looking for positive feedback

Hi. A CA125 over 35 should be investigated, but the reason for the rise is not necessarily cancer.
I understand your concerns. Your route of investigation is right on. Better to consider all possibilities. Your age is definitely to your advantage. Please let us know what the gynecologist oncologist decides is your next step. This is a great site with tons of support. All the best!
It is standard procedure I believe to see an oncologist once the CA levels pass 35. But keep in mind that that is not an accurate indication of cancer. CA levels rise for different reasons other than cancer.They are probably sending you to the oncologist to rule out the possibility of cancer as other tests must be done. Try to stay positive and think of the best possible outcome. I wish you well
Thank you everyone for the replies! I have my consultation tomorrow afternoon and will go from there. I will update as soon as I learn anything new. I just wish my OBGYN had been a little better at communicating to me what kind of specialist would be reaching out. It just really caught me off guard.
You are ahead of the game my friend. Be aware that CA125 can be elevated for lots of reasons, not just for Ovarian Cancer. So try to stay positive. And even if it does turn out to be an OC diagnosis, a CA-125 of 79 indicates that you may very well have luckily caught it at an early stage, which means it would be highly curable. Kudos to your doctors who seem totally on the ball with this stuff. I'm happy to hear you seem to be in good hands. Stay strong, you really don't know what you're dealing with yet, and it could be something very treatable. Sending positive vibes to you!! Keep us posted.
I’m so glad you are seeing a specialist. Everyone’s comments have been spot on. I was pretty shocked at 42 to have been referred to a gyn oncologist too. But so glad I did!! I was Stage 1A Ovarian Cancer and beat it. Keep us posted!!
Had my appointment with the specialist yesterday just wanted to update everyone. They're going to remove my left ovary along with the cyst. Surgery is at at the end of March. Will see if cancerous and go from there.
Best wishes . Praying for you.Keep us posted post surgery
It doesn’t hurt to be cautious. CA125 should be under 35. Lots of reasons for the elevation. They will probably suggest a CT. That will tell the answer and maybe a Pet scan. Nothing to worry about until tree is something to worry about. New technology makes ovarian s chronic disease not terminal if found early. you will be fine. Pray your wAy through it.
I had a cyst ten years ago with a dermoid. I had a ct scan and it was seen as a cyst. I removed both but kept the left ovary Bc I wanted kids . I am now 32 so I was relatively young. I did this overseas so I am unaware what kind of blood testing they did but reading standard of cares I was tooken care of by the best in the country and I only now have a report from my ct scan . I do remember them sending the dermoid to be investigated not sure about the cyst though.
I just have a question for everyone reading my comment. I had a one time only belly pain , I have been worried since but I don’t know if I should investigate it if it was just once. I have been observing bowel movement and bloating back pain and nothing . I have been vigilant and constantly worried. I had a baby a year ago so I am wondering if someone has any advice with a similar situation.
An update: I had my surgery at 730 this morning. Everything went well. Had left ovary removed, left fallopian tube, and a 9cm x 5cm cyst removed(at least it was that size in December). I don't know what kind of cyst or much more than that until my appointment on the 7th. My doctor doesn't feel like it's cancer from the look of the cyst. Sent off for testing. So glad to have it done. The pain isn't terrible but looking forward to it clearing up.
So glad that your surgery went good. Hoping that you have a speedy recovery and that all your previous symptoms clear up! Stay well!