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angeliabb profile image
13 Replies

My name is Angelia. I live in Texas. I am 46, married, with two children. I have not been diagnosed with cancer of any type; however, I am 1.5 years with symptoms (bloated, feeling of pressure/fullness, longterm missed menstrual cycle, on/off vaginal discharge that is sometimes fresh blood and sometimes oxidized blood, a mucousy, cloudy ball that passes when I urinate/have a BM and that is either white/cloudy or brown/oxidized blood, infrequent vaginal odor changes, changes to bowel pattern, consistency, rumbling/gurgling sounds from stomach, constant cramps in pelvis/lower abdomen, and constant back pain (was diagnosed with a kidney infection in the summer for which I underwent 2 rounds of antibiotics). I am concerned about these symptoms, but my husband and ob/gyn chalk my concern up to my worrying nature and "hypochondria." Tomorrow I am scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound, hormone testing, pregnancy test (I'm not pregnant), and a urine culture. I have this nagging feeling that something is wrong inside, and I don't know how to impress upon my doctor the urgency that I feel. So I am here, lurking around, hoping to find some inspiration and magic words to help me motivate my ob/gyn. Oh, and my mother and sister are breast cancer survivors. My sister was 46 when she was diagnosed. I have had the BRCA1/2 genetic testing which was negative, and it appears since that test was negative, my doctors do not take any of my concerns seriously.

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13 Replies
mmont profile image

Hello Angelina,

I had various symptoms over the years, had a uterine ablation due to heavy periods, etc.

I started having cramping for 2 weeks, some bleeding, and constipation. I called my primary doctor and she stayed for me to get Gas ex because it was gas. Something didn't feel right so I went to see my Ob. She worked quickly to try to find out what was going on. After an ultrasound and ca 125 blood test, she referred me to an Oncologist. After a radical hysterectomy, I was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. I'm glad I listened to my body and I'm so glad it didn't spread. I'm going on my third round of chemo next week.

Good luck. Seek other opinions if you have to.

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to mmont

Hi, and thank you so much. That is what I have decided to do...trust my gut. I appreciate your response.

Tesla_7US profile image

You know your body well. Do not allow others to dismiss your concerns. Something's not right and you need answers. See a gynecological oncologist, get your CA125 level determined, get a CAT scan and rule out gyne cancers. FYI, ultrasound, colonoscopy, endoscopy, cystoscopy and TV ultrasound cannot detect OVCA. I went to 5 docs over two years and was dismissed by all. I was diagnosed 3C OVCA in the ER. My surgeon said I'd had it for at least two years before diagnosis. Do not let anyone shame you for your concerns. Advocate for yourself because no one else will.

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to Tesla_7US

Thank you so much! You sometimes need to hear what you already know.

Itsmoes74 profile image

Hello there. My name is Monica and I’m an Ovarian Cancer Fighter. I was miss diagnosed for at least 2 years prior to my emergency surgery 2/2016 and I was staged at 3C. I’ve had many of those symptoms that you described and I had gone to my doctor numerous times asking for help and telling him that something was wrong. He had said my liver and kidney functions were off but that was due to my headaches. If I knew now then what I know now I would have demanded a scan and ultra sound. I could have saved myself a lot of unnecessary health issues.

You have to be your own advocate. If you know something isn’t right you out of all people know your body Demand it and I’d that doctor doesn’t listen to you find one that does. Because my doctor didn’t do what he should have I had a tumor rupture of my right ovary and spread cancer cells all thru my abdomen. Now I’m onto my 3rd re occurrence and I have debulking surgery Tuesday.

Listen to your body, heart and soul.

I wish you the best of health and please update us all.

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to Itsmoes74

Thank you for the response and I wish you the best of health too! I have an appointment with my gyno next week. I will definitely come back and update you all. I have a list of questions and requests; so that I am not sidetracked by her nonchalant attitude. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that you're not off base.

Cjbloomq profile image

I too had all those symptoms. Went to ER and found out I had stage3c ovarian cancer. That was in 2013. Total hysterectomy and many chemos later,I am still here fighting the beast. Keep the faith and positive attitude helps. Best of everything to you.

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to Cjbloomq

I'm definitely going to demand as definitive scans as are available at my appointment next week. Thank you so much and all the best to you!

caf132 profile image

welcome Angelia- you have come to the right gals for support and advice. Get a CA125 right away. don't let anyone deter you from doing what you feel is right for YOUR body. If you think something is wrong it most likely is.

Please keep us posted on your journey and results. We, collectively are a great bunch of experiences and support. Most likely one of us has the same symptoms, diagnosis, experiences as you do. together we are stronger.

Xx Carol

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to caf132

Hi, Carol. I will update you all after my appointment next week. Ultrasound today showed thickening of my endometrium. Doctor's appointment next week where I will request a CA-125. I cannot thank you all enough for "hearing" me. I appreciate it.

kimmyp profile image

Hi Angela, Please trust yourself. I didn't feel good for at least a year with weird pain that I thought was my gall bladder and other pain in my appendix area. My primary doctor had me have a abdominal ultrasound in Sept 2015 which showed nothing. In November 2015 the bloating started and I thought since the ultrasound had shown nothing that maybe it was irritable bowel syndrome or Peri-menopause. I didn't get diagnosed with 3c high grade serous ovarian cancer until I went back to my primary and said that something was definitely wrong. I looked like I was pregnant. She did a CA125 that day and it was almost 2000 and scheduled a cat-scan. This was in January 2016. Go to a gyn-oncologist and just leave your ob/gyn. They are not all knowing. I wish I had done that and maybe I would have been diagnosed at an earlier stage. I am currently undergoing chemo treatment for my first reoccurence. I live each day with as much passion as I can. Good luck to you and please let us know how you are doing.

A big hug and prayers, Kim

angeliabb profile image
angeliabb in reply to kimmyp

Kim, thank you so much for responding. I am seeing my gynecologist next week and after a long and serious talk with my husband, we are asking for a referral to a gyn-oncologist. I just know that something is going on, and I won't allow anyone to make me doubt my instinct again.

GwenHP profile image

Please listen to your body and find a doctor who will listen to you. Make sure to provide them with your family history of cancers.

Just because you are BRCA negative doesn't really mean much. That test is more valuable if someone tests positive. There are actually a number of other genes they are starting to test. I too am BRCA negative, but my genetic counselor suspects there may be other genes that may be contributing to my family's history of cancers (mother died of Fallopian tube, her two sisters of breast and her brother of esophogeal cancers), If I recur again, I'll haves some additional testing done.

Best wishes,


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