has anyone experienced nerve pain from this shot? I was fine till I had a different nurse give it 2 mo ago?
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fluversarent shot

Had a bit of sciatic pain on one occasion, but the GP tried to change injection site next time and it was better. Biggest problem is sore bruised bum for a few days, but it goes off. X
I find the Fulvestrant injection can be variable, in terms of immediate discomfort, depending on the nurse giving the injection. No ongoing pain, but numbness yes. I have totally numbness at the top of left femur. I had an MRI to exclude spinal cord compression. I have seen previous posts about nerve pain. A search might bring further information. I hope this pain settles for you. x
I had one spot of bone cancer with my MBC. It was tackled with rads. Then started shots...and one was more painful than others. Something either the rads or the shot hit my sciatic nerve in a way that I now have dropped foot. About two years ago they changed it so shots are given in the hip not the butt as there were other cases of it too close to the sciatic nerve. Have them look at the hip instead of the butt.
Absolutely! I had “drug induced myopathy” after first Fulvestrant injections. Unable to walk and had to be helped from car after returning home. Chemo RNs were unable to confirm problem and neither could chemo pharmacy. I called the pharmaceutical company who makes Fulvestrant and they confirmed that it is indeed a “serious reaction”, they are familiar with it , asked if I had been hospitalized and recommended that I notify my MD immediately (I had) and not continue with the medication. To this day, I have burning pain in thighs and weakness.
My MD says study groups for new meds are selected carefully. Usually candidates are healthy and younger. What happens when the meds are applied to the general public is hit and miss after the meds are cleared for use. Side effects are under reported until enough patients call to report them.
All best of luck to you!!
I have them ONLY in top, sides of hips with slight discomfort, itching for 48 hours. But this time BLISTERS appeared on the right side filled with yellow looking liquid??????!! Does not hurt but…..
I have never had this happen despite many yrs of Faslodex shots. We all are a bit anatomically different, perhaps your sciatic nerve runs a little high or low. Talk to your doc about this, is Faslodex working well for you vs making a change in treatment?
hello…I’ve had fulvestrant shots for well over a year and after an injection that must have hit my sciatic nerve that has numbed my hip area since, I told my ONC and she instructed the nurse to change the injection site. Since then I’ve had little or no issues. One thing I do is to put lidocaine roll on all over the area…the nurse keeps apologizing for the size of the needle but I assure her I FEEL NOTHING! I think if you wince or wriggle she may feel the need to speed up the injection…which is another reason for pain and injection site reactions. Another point is that if you relax the muscles upon injection, the drug is better distributed and absorbed…another reason to stand on the opposite leg and just lean the injection side knee on chair… I have attached a diagram of where I get the injections…high up on the hip, far from the problem area. I hope this helps you to get some relief in your treatments. Best wishes…🙌🙏
I’ve been getting fulvestrant injections monthly for 2 1/2 years and have been lucky not to have had a nurse hit the nerve. However, I also receive Lupron injections. They were monthly for 7 years until my new doctor changed me to a 3 month shot. One nurse but the nerve in my Lupron shot and it was excruciating! The best way to relax the muscles for receiving gluteal injections is to either lie on your side or stomach. It’s easier for the nurse and much less painful. My treatment is at Mass General Hospital in Boston. They have specialized nurses for the breast oncology department, so their technique is excellent no matter which one injects you. I’ve received shots at other MGH locations and found the skill of the nurses to be highly variable. Sometimes you need to advocate for how you’d like the shots administered. There’s no reason for the shot to be administered standing up. If there’s no table to lie on, an infusion chair fully reclined will also work for lying down. Nurses may not be that creative, so you may need to educate them on alternative methods. Also, I hope you got the name of the nurse who make sure she doesn’t touch you again. I started a list of nurses names with notes about their skill, or lack thereof, after I had a painful nerve jab.
I’ve figured out that I have had 102 of these shots as part of my first line treatment plan. Only once did the nurse hit a nerve on my left side. Thankfully I had no lasting pain or problem as a result which I actually think is remarkable. I get mine done by two nurses at the same time. I get the lidocaine spray right before and it makes a huge difference for me. Other than the lumpiness on my hips I really don’t have any other issues with them.