Has anyone ever gotten whiplash pain in their neck and back for no reason. I slept sitting up in a recliner for a few days because I was congested, but I’ve done that plenty of times before . I have extensive bone mets. Thinking it could be the pain from that. I might have to take a breakthrough pan med for this. It’s awful. I can barely sit, stand, walk, lay down….😩
Whiplash like pain : Has anyone ever... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Whiplash like pain

So sad and sorry to hear this. Sounds serious enough to let your oncologist know. I am sure you know the drill: pain medication, NSAIDS (it's OKfor you to take them), heat, cold packs . . . Hope you get relief and answers soon. 💜
Ugh no, sounds bad. I fear you may have slept with your neck at a bad angle and you have severe nerve impingement. You need to reach out to your oncologist. Icing your spine around the neck may help some.
Hope it gets resolved soon!
I did reach out to my oncologist. Icing for the day and then if it’s not better after my appointment this afternoon, I will probably just go and have a scan done. We are playing it by ear. Just when I think I may be feeling normal, something new pops up. Thanks, ladies, for listening and dealing with me!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🩷
Exactly. I think I am on a smooth ride for a while, and then something new happens. Some new challenge. I was referred to rehabilitative medicine for body pains, and from there to PT. Worked, but that was for my problem, not yours. (Now I have a partially collapsed lung from a tumor pressing on it, a cough and a cold. Jeez. Give me a break.) -- But, shouldn't complain! This is not severe pain, not debilitating, and I am hardly starving or being bombed or in a zone with no hospitals....
I always say that…so many more people have it so much worse than me. I count my blessings. God has us!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🩷
I have trouble with that thinking. So god doesn't have the poor baby who died in the Rio Grande when his mother was trying to get to the US? Or the people with cancer in Gaza, where the only hospital with oncology was destroyed and closed down? God has us, not them? That is not right.
Tammy, sometimes it doesn’t seem fair and there is plenty of pain and hardship out there, much worse than what we have. You don’t have to believe in a good God if you choose, and we acknowledge your thoughts, but don’t discard someone else’s simply because they don’t align with yours.
I get pain in my neck when I fall asleep on the couch. My neck drops into a funny position. The pain pain goes away when I make the effort to only sleep with my neck in a supportive position.
Hey just going to share my 2cents… glad you reached out to your oncology team!
As someone with bone Mets at every vertebrae in the C’s and upper T’s you need to be seen to be sure! I have less “pain” than most with those Mets, but am always watchful of numbness in my hands, arms and face. Be aware of headaches and jaw pain too - note start and stop times as well as events leading up to pain or nerve issues. Nerve stuff seems to hit me more than pain.
If scans are good a gentle massage by a certified therapist can help the muscles as well as acupuncture, heat/ice alternating and some good ole muscle rub. I like absorbing junior when it gets bad.
Hugs and happy thoughts to you 💜💙🩵
Hi!! Thank you!! It is slowly getting better. I never did take the flexeril that was prescribed. I just let it take its course and every day I feel a little better. I was really worried about a bone fracture because of my extensive bone mets, but it is just a muscle/nerve thing for sure.
I, too, agree with soft massage to those areas of pain. It usually works well!! 🩷🩷🩷
I do see a chiropractor and I have a conversation that he has to be gentle. I do not let him snap my neck. He has an adjusting tool that he uses. It gives me great relief.