I am so grateful for 3 close friends from my USA high schoolwho flew 24 hrs to visit me for a few weeks in New Zealand! We joined 50K others at last nights Pink Concert and it was really amazing!
I was very anxious about needing to walk long distances because the roads around the large stadium were closed and after 14 months on xeloda I am not walking long distances very well due to HFS.
Plus When last I updated you… I had burned my feet walking in beach sand. My soles were quite purple and my USA oncolgist asked me to take an extra week off from xeloda to recover… I stressed over not being able to muscle thru it like when I have succumbed to needing a wheelchair to get through airports etc. Lord help me! When the sea of 50k concert goers streamed out of the stadium and into the closed city streets.. we all had ti walk out to where we could find a taxi. I luckily was able to do it… I reached over 10k steps which I never do anymore and sweet relief when we got to a taxi! Of course we got into a taxi in huge traffic with the meter running which was a different kind of stress! Especially since we.were racing to catch the midnight ferry which was the last one from Auckland to my little island of Waiheke. Again so grateful to make it with just minutes to spare. A peaceful 40?min crossing and then I still had to walk from ferry to car in parking lot and drive home 15 more min across my little island. In bed by 1am… I am so grateful for my lovely friends supporting by coming, to the nice Indian Taxi driver who zipped along so we didn’t miss that last ferry, and I am also very grateful to be on Xeloda even through my feet are sore ALOT, but I am not fatigued like I was on past two treatments. I couldn’t possibly have done this during the 2 years I was in the CDK 4-6. This was a big effort but it was so worth it for the great evening and many laughs that we had. I am telling this tale trying to be uplifting… with a bit of accomodation like taxi/ Uber I managed. My friends were my advocates and got me a chair while waiting in line etc. I was glad I didn’t let my anxiety about maybe being a burden on my friend keep me from attempting this big event that they had come half way around the world to do with me. Pink was amazing! Her 12 year old daughter Willow came out and bravely sang to us in her clear young voice. She rocked! So I just wanted to write hopefully to help someone on the fence about doing something difficult that they may really want to do. I’m going to write a few more stories down in the comments and post a few pics for some ladies that have encouraged me to send more pics. So I will but God bless anyone going thru a head time right now.