This past week has been hard on me. Thursday I was scheduled for the last of 5 radiation treatments to my lower back, and to begin Taxol treatments, at two different cancer centers. My blood pressure was so low, I was sent to an "urgent care" center and then from there by ambulance to the ER. All this took what seemed like forever. Lots of blood work, X-ray, etc etc etc. The ER was full and I was put in a room usually used for patients brought in by the police and in need of restraint. Small room, nothing but the bed. After I was there a few hours, my temperature started going up and I tested positive for the Flu. I was told I'd likely be admitted for 48 hours. All of this in the city we drive over an hour to, and my poor husband had to drive from one facility to another and then wait to find out where and what. I was hooked up to two IVs, largely for hydration, and ended up finally being discharged Friday afternoon, on meds for the flu, and got to have that final radiation treatment. Since I had the flu, I was taken into the treatment area right away and didn't spend any time in the waiting room. By the time I got home, I was worn out! Weak, with a cough and feeling like all I could do was sleep. I feel alot better today but still tired. I'm scheduled for my first Taxol treatment back at the cancer center on Tuesday, I think. I've never had my blood pressure drop low like this before and it was probably due to dehydration. I'm still having to drink alot of water. I got a good night's sleep last night and feel as though I'm getting better but this has really been rough. I guess all things considered, I'm fortunate to be getting better. 2023 has been the hardest year in my cancer journey, and I am expecting 2024 to be better!
Rough few days: This past week has been... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Rough few days

I’m sorry to read this 🥺. What a stressful time for you and your husband.
I’m glad you are improving. Hopefully lots of rest and water will help with your recovery from the flu and side effects.
Good luck on Tuesday, and here’s to good things in 2024 🥳
Fingers and everything else crossed that this year does improve for you, and the driving and the visits get reduced.
The flu is rough no matter what! On top of radiation and looming infusion. I would put that off until you are feeling better. I used to pass out from dehydration and wind up in the ER. IV fluids and sleep should make you a new woman -- except for the flu!
Hoping 2024 is better for you, for all of us, for the world. 2023 was not a good year. You are not alone in that.
Oh my goodness.So sorry to hear all that you have been thru.Prayers for a much gentler 2024 for you❤️
How courageous you are. I feel for you. It sounds like you've been to hell and (almost) back.I wish you all the very best for 2024.
Much love
PJB- sounds like a very challenging week. Glad you are home with meds— you’ll start feeling better soon. Sending a virtual hug— and best wishes for the New Year!❤️
I don't know how you are doing all that. I am sure the fluids were a great help. When I had three radiation treatments it took me weeks to bounce back. Wow and you are going for taxal treatment next week. I am wishing you a better 2024.
I’m glad you’re feeling better now!🥰🙏
I’m praying that all our battle in 2023 will be our greatest victories in 2024! To God be the glory!🙏🙏🙏
Sending you best wishes a better 2024
Glad you’re feeling better and hope 2024 brings only good things for you- and all of us x
Hopeyou feel a little better soon. It is a tough journey 💕
I’m so sorry this has been a hard time for you. It seems like I can emotionally handle my cancer pretty well, but when extra stuff gets thrown in, a knee replacement, dental issues, etc it’s difficult to handle.
I hope you get over the flu quickly and that 2024 is better!
Here's to a better year!
Wishing for a better new year for you.
G I ad you are on the mend! You went through alot. Rest up for the new year. May it be better than 2023. Love and hugs
oh my goodness, what a journey you’ve had…glad you are on the mend and your treatments help you regain your wellbeing. Getting sick while struggling with Cancer can be frighteningly real…may you enjoy a happy new year of better health ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Happy New year PJBinM. Wow that's a rough start to the new year. I pray 🙏 that everything will smooth out and that the Taxol treatment will be kind to your body. I can't imagine what it's like having the flu then going into infusion after that. Prayers for a healthier 2024 for all of us.
so sorry to hear about your week. Sending love and prayers 2024 is much better for you.
PJB. So sad to hear you are having such struggles. I will lift you and your husband up in prayer. This battle we fight is not for the faint hearted. Wishing you the best on your treatment with taxol. Thankfully you are recovering from the flu and gaining more strength. 💕
What a rough time. So glad you are feeling better and can get things going again. You are right - a shower can do wonders. Blessings, Hannah
hello dear- course I always think of you as Peanut Butter &Jelly happy and better new year in 24! Love that everyone chimed in their support for you and best wishes to weather this and get back to your usual ‘good’ health.. you are such a Trooper!
You have definitely had a rough time lately. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope and pray your Taxol treatment goes well and that 2024 will be a much better year for you. Sending you hugs and prayers.
oh geez-it is tough. Thanks for the post. Helps me remember why I am feeling so sick-very bad month of December also. I forget I have MBC -it is a struggle for all of us. I am trying to go to Mexico for a month (leaving tomorrow) & I have considered cancelling everyday. But I am going’
I hope that it gets better for u &I am sure that it will . Just get lots of sleep.
Lou Anne
That all sounds like a lot! I hope you keep feeling better from the flu quickly. There's certainly a lot of illness going around right now! Perhaps the taxol should be delayed a little to help you bounce back better? I imagine the oncoming flu also added to the reason for your low blood pressure. I think I've noticed mine feeling low when I'm run down . Either way, wishing you the very best for 2024!