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And you think that you already at rock bottom, and find out you there is no rock bottom

kearnan profile image
51 Replies

I have rented this coop apartment (large studio) for over 25 years with a yearly lease. Once I was diagnosed and told her, she then decided no more lease and month to month. She has a security deposit from me which is $1,200.

She knows I have no family so I think that she did not want me in my "home" of total 28 years since I am going to die.

She called me yesterday and told me she needed to sell my apt. because she needs money to buy a second home. I think it is more that she wants to make sure I am out before I die.

I do not have money to move PLUS I have no family. I have a few friends but one has a two-bedroom condo (she inherited money when her father died) and her single 35 year old daughter lives with her.

My other good friend has a large home but has her ex-daughter-in-law and her four grandchildren. The father of these four children is a "little" person who had dated his first wife (the one that my friends help out bc they are her grandchildren,

The sad thing is that ALL four of his children also are little people. They continuedly all have to have operations which is painful and they have to have their legs stretched and metal in their legs. So she has enough on her plate. Plus her middle child, a 30 year old male, died from a fentanyl and cocaine overdose on March 12.

So my LL calls me last night to tell me that she is having a real estate agent come bc she wants to use the money from the sale of the studio apt. (she lives in a large corner apartment on the third floor.

I was in tears. I have no money to move, no place to go, people who are even renting an extra bedroom want somebody who is out of the house, has a job. If I have to tell them (which I will bc they will ask about job statements and tax forms.

They will probably ask how I get my money. Then I have to tell them SSDI. Of course, they will want to know why and then I have to tell them I have stage iv breast cancer.

Nobody wants to rent to me not even a room, plus I do not have money to even hire moving men. We never really got along too well. My LL is Jewish but not a religious Jew and yet she holds Bible meetings in her apt on Fridays. I guess they just read the Bible but do none of the kindness that they talk about.

I cried all day yesterday and as I suspect bc she is a liar that this was NOT a real estate agent. I suspected. First, he barely looked at the apt. Just glancing.

I may wind up in a shelter, which I do not want to do, but I probably will not have a choice. When my LL and this "agent" walked out, he started to walk the opposite way where it is the end of the hallway. A real travel agent would have looked around a bit more.

Please pray that my LL does not find someone before I pass. The stress of what lies ahead is overwhelming.

I am so so done. I was tempted to ask him for his real estate card to pretend that I know people who want to sell. I am sure he would have looked around the apartment more if he was a real estate agent

I disliked her before, now I hate her. God forgive me but that is how I feel.

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kearnan profile image
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51 Replies
MyMiracle13 profile image

I don’t know how people can be so unkind. If I lived near you, I would definitely come over and give you a great big hug. Alas, I live on the other side of the world. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Can social services or charity organizations help? You are always in my prayers🙏

Pbsoup profile image

this is NOT ok. So unkind of your landlord.

I wish I still lived in NYC so could help directly . But many women on here do.

Someone must know of something. A sublet or similar. What is your budget per month?

Can you ask the porter if there is any else in your building?

I assume it’s just you—no pets, right?

This is not a moment to not ask for help.

Ladies— let’s rally and figure this out together.

kokopelli2017 profile image
kokopelli2017 in reply toPbsoup

your rally request is heard. like you already mentioned PB, in your other reply under Kearnan's other post....along with BB (Beth)....I totally agree. I was already thinking the same. if kearnan stays put and refuses to leave, her landlord's only recourse will be to take her to court to start the lengthy eviction process. here in MA, it would take time just to get a court date (the courts are still backed up from covid...the courts were closed for a long time here) and the eviction process takes months in itself. I too believe refusing to leave is the best option. that landlord woman is heartless....after 28 years! unbelievable. XO

Pbsoup profile image
Pbsoup in reply tokokopelli2017

I wonder if anyone in NY has a lawyer friend who might advise pro bono on this? I am sure it is very cut and dry. And agree, just refusing to leave and making the onus on the landlord to start an eviction case might be the way to go--make her do the dirty work.

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply toPbsoup

There are organizations that provide free legal assistance, including for housing problems. Legal Aid? I will answer directly to Kearnan.

kokopelli2017 profile image
kokopelli2017 in reply toTammyCross

I wonder if the free lawyer that Kearnan used to set up her trust....the lawyer she used from the cancer center she goes to, could help? I think she is still going to that cancer center for the palliative care doc who prescribes her pain meds and to get scans. I too will answer directly to kearnan.

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply tokokopelli2017

I think a housing specialist attorney would be all set to go, know the relevant city and state regs

Claireperth profile image

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Do you have a cancer foundation in your country? If so I would contact them and perhaps they could reach out to their members. You need to get your story out to as many organisations as possible 🌸

Winter-Flowers profile image

call a lawyer! Jesus, people are awful, just selfish and awful!

AutumnLove profile image

The LL needs to be put on Blast aka Publicly Denounced.. This is Absolutely horrible and shouldnt be tolerated in a civil Society. Hearing your situation is so disheartening. How can an individual be so Rotten? Social Media may be an Avenue to seek help. Others on here including myself may be able to do the online Work for you if you choose..DM me if you like and I will do what I can. Godbless you!🙏🏼

Nocillo profile image

I’m sorry all this is happening to you. I have absolutely no experience with this, but hopefully there is an agency or church group that could help you? Your landlord must not have a conscience.

TammyCross profile image

I let a friend (former friend) stay in my apartment just paying the maintenance (which was a third of my cost for the apartment) while I took care of my mother who had had a stroke. I tried to get him out after a year. I spent at least 6 months trying to get him out on my own. Then I hired a lawyer. It took 8 months AFTER I had him served with an eviction notice, with one of those scary eviction notices on the door, and $5000 to a lawyer, to get him out. To get the eviction notice, I had to write a formal letter of notice and my lawyer had to go to court. During those 8 months, I was not allowed to enter my apartment. He had no lease (he refused to sign one once he moved in).

So the lesson is that it is very hard to dislodge someone from an apartment they are living in in New York City. It is very skewed toward protecting tenants. He had a very low cost lawyer at a large firm that specialized in this.

The first thing to do is to call your city council rep. I know mine has a housing specialist on staff. In NYC, they have to have this. Not sure about calling your state assemblyman. Start with city council office. There are free attorneys who work on these cases. The council rep's staff should be able to refer you to one. You might also see if your community board can help. There might be a community board member who represents your area who wants to take this on.

Just keep the story to the point, have your lease on hand, do pull the cancer card but perhaps not the lack of family, unless you really get to talking about shelter (I don't think it will come to that) and not your friend with the small grandchildren with health problems.

Let us know if that doesn't work and I will do more digging to find a free attorney or a housing clinic. Who is your city council rep? What is your community board?

Pachira profile image
Pachira in reply toTammyCross

I was so glad to see your response and recommendations. I know California law but that’s no help. After an eviction noticed is served then they gave 5 days to answer then it goes to court. I would say 3 months in Cali. How. Cold blooded the co op is. Can’t an appeal be made to the board?

kokopelli2017 profile image
kokopelli2017 in reply toTammyCross

hey chris. just thinking out loud. does kearnan even need a lawyer. the landlord certainly does. but kearnan could potentially show up in court and speak for herself. she is good at that. and kearnan definitely has a great defense with the end stage mbc card. me and my ex-husband....many many years ago....(it's a long story...we did nothing wrong) were evicted and we showed up and did our own defense. what judge would kick her to the curb at this stage of her disease and after 28 years?

of course better to have a lawyer. just throwing this out there in case.....

what do you think?


Jessie55 profile image

Refuse to move. Let them take legal action to get you out. You have rights

SabaAK profile image

I’m speechless… I honestly don’t know what to say. I do live in Los Angeles and I would love to help but don’t know how:((. I even don’t know if it would be appropriate for me to say,but pleaaaase let me know if there is anything I can do to support you.


NPmary profile image

I agree, Kernan, Don't leave. If your friends can't take you in perhaps one could help with supporting you, making calls for you or being there for energy and support while you call your city council rep, your congress p4erson, your cancer organization, your social service organization, your local news organization. Get a notebook write down what's happened and write down the calls and steps you take. Be cautious about sharing any more with your LL, obviously she only cares for her own interests.

This Sucks, l am stunned and sad and angry, and sorry such a thing could happen to you.

I wish l could really help. 🌺 Mary

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply toNPmary

Good advice, Mary. It is always best to keep a log of anything legal. In this case, note what the LL says, and how, and dates.

But we have not heard from Kearnan in almost three weeks. This is not a good sign that she is taking steps to protect herself.

NPmary profile image
NPmary in reply toTammyCross

Thanks Tammy, its very concerning.

Aquamoron profile image

I’m sorry that this is happening, and suggest you contact to see what your rights are and how to preserve them. Specifically, they assist with addressing housing insecurity and can help you navigate this.

TammyCross has some great suggestions in her reply, and I did a quick google search and found this lead for you. The eviction process is not something I am familiar with, and maybe others on this board can weigh in but it seems like a good option to explore.

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply toAquamoron

lawhelp is great! I went there and selected eviction help for Brooklyn. There is Legal Aid, Legal Services, the NYC Bar and -- my favorite -- NYLAG. NYLAG has a mobile clinic, and along withe the eviction help, can help with legal issues around end of life. (I hate writing that.)

I think it is best to have a lawyer and not do pro se, especially if it is free. Then they take it over and Kearnan does not have to go to court, remotely or in person. The lawyer can do the best presentation.

Here is what I got for eviction help in Brooklyn:

How to Get Help

At this time, The Legal Aid Society is offering remote services. Call this location directly via (718) 645-3111 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, or reach us via our Main Number (212) 577-3300 or Helpline (888) 663-6680, staffed Mon-Fri 10am-3pm.

Intake for new cases is by telephone (NOT by Walk-In), generally on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month beginning at 10 am and continuing until all available slots are filled.

Have all the papers about your legal problem and information about your income on hand when you call.

NYC Bar Association Legal Hotline

This one is just legal advice. Better to get legal representation.

Who We Are

The Legal Hotline provides simple legal advice over the telephone to poor and low-income New York City residents on civil legal issues, such as divorce and family law matters, landlord-tenant disputes and consumer law problems. The Legal Hotline also provides referrals to the City Bar Justice Center's Consumer Bankruptcy Project.

How to Get Help

Please call (212) 626-7383. We are available Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The hotline is not available between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Have any papers relating to the problem on hand when you call.

Legal Services NYC – Brooklyn

We are offering remote legal assistance in all civil legal service areas. New Yorkers who need civil legal assistance may call LSNYC’s Access Line at (917) 661-4500, Mon-Fri from 10am-4pm. Existing clients may call or email their advocates at their direct phone numbers.

I only know Queens Legal Services. Excellent. Hope Brooklyn is also.


How to Get Help

At this time NYLAG is offering remote services. The Mobile Legal Help Center is conducting daily intakes by phone via (212) 613-5000. You can also make an appointment for a phone intake here.

You are also encouraged to contact our NY COVID-19 Legal Resource Hotline Mon-Fri from 10am-1pm via (929) 356-9582, which can offer advice in any of the following areas:

I don't know if NYLAG is still doing the COVID hotline, or if the Mobile Legal Help Center goes to your neighborhood, but New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) is good.

• Advanced Planning (Standby Guardianship, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, Wills)

• Consumer Debt (Debt Collection, Wage Garnishment)

• Employees' Rights (Paid Leave, FMLA, Working Conditions)

• Housing (Eviction, Rent Arrears, Foreclosure, Mortgage Relief Options,)

When leaving a message, please leave your name, the best number to call you back, and a description of your issue. We will call you back within two business days.

Just a phone call away! Better than stressing, fighting, having to move...

kokopelli2017 profile image
kokopelli2017 in reply toTammyCross

great info tammycross! thanks for doing all this👏

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply toTammyCross

Why did I think she lived in New Jersey? anyway, so sweet of you to GET IT RIGHT! I have a cousin in New Jersey, must have interfered with my thought process because now I remember telling her how I love the Brooklyn accent! <3 xo

Timtam56 profile image

I wish you were in OZ. I have a spare room, and I would happily rent it to you. Oh dear! I’m so sad for you. This is totally unacceptable behaviour from her. And what can you possibly do?

jersey-jazz profile image

My advice follows. Follow all of TammyCross's clear instructions. Then, just sit in your chair, read your book or watch your tv, a comedy preferably and eat what you feel like indulging in. Try to enjoy what gives you pleasure and let the landlady spin her wheels in and out of court. As far as I know, (I am not in NYC) she will not be able to evict you. Hard as it might be, please try not to use up all your precious energy worrying.

Aquadog profile image

As my heart breaks for you, my head is exploding at this cruel, unjust situation. Yeah, you really are exploring rock bottom. The fact that so many of us are too far away to help in any substantial way is so depressing.

Another resource to try - They have listings of legal assistance for each state. Does the American Cancer Society have any resources?

Big hugs

Godbeforme profile image

Just reading through what you wrote I would say she can't do that and if people could stay in apartments for 2 years without even paying rent due to COVID, how much more can a person who is seriously ill not be booted out like that. DO NOT LEAVE, I agree, wholeheartedly! You are not being hateful, you are hurting! found this:

2A:18-59.1. Terminally ill tenants

Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the Superior Court may authorize and review one year

stays of eviction during which the tenant shall be entitled to renew the lease at its term of expiration, subject to

reasonable changes proposed to the tenant by the landlord in written notice, whenever:

a. The tenant fulfills all the terms of the lease and removal is sought under subsection a. of N.J.S.2A:18-53

where a residential tenant holds over after written notice for delivery of possession; and

b. The tenant has a terminal illness which illness has been certified by a licensed physician; and

c. There is substantial likelihood that the tenant would be unable to search for, rent and move to a

comparable alternative rental dwelling unit without serious medical harm; and

d. The tenant has been a tenant of the landlord for a least two years prior to the issuance of the stay.

In reviewing a petition for a stay of eviction, the court shall specifically consider whether the granting of the stay of

eviction would cause an undue hardship to the landlord because of the landlord's financial condition or any other factor

relating to the landlord's ownership of the premises.

L.1983,c.446, s.1; Amended 1991,c.91,s.65.

Retrieved the info from here ....

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply toGodbeforme

and also, evictions hearings can be attended from "zoom" as we had a tenant we had to evict because he was making methamphetamine on our property and making it into a junkyard, BAD TENANT, nothing like your case; only said that to say that's how I know about it because we attended the hearing by a zoom call as the property was 300 miles away! Love and prayers to you and God bless you and heal us all in Jesus name, amen! <3

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply toGodbeforme

These laws are state and city laws. NJ laws won't help her.

kokopelli2017 profile image

hi kearnan.

hopefully you are reading all our posts and are on board with 'staying put and refusing to leave'. as for obtaining a lawyer....please read the post from TammyCross. she too lives in NYC.

we are all in your corner.....


dottiem profile image

I searched for legal assistance for elderly and chronically ill in NY, NY. There are lots of listings including the "New York legal assistance group." That might be a good place to start. I am sure there is help for you. Nothing worse than insecurity about a place to live.

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply todottiem

There is Legal Aid in NYC.

Enie profile image

you need to call renters help live immediately. She can’t evict you without cause

kokopelli2017 profile image
kokopelli2017 in reply toEnie

actually you can evict without cause. you can evict for no reason at all.

Kruza profile image

Maaaaan, WTH? Kearnan, you do not need this kind of stress on top of what is already going on. Our able friends have and are working on researching for you and I hope you will resolve the situation to your advantage. Praying for you as always. Big hugs from Florida.

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply toKruza

Thank God for you, that you have connections that can help. pretty sure if terminally ill people can have their lease extended for a year in new jersey that the same law is in effect in Brooklyn! I hope and pray so anyway! <3 thank you for helping sweet Kearnan, I just love her and my heart breaks that people can be so heartless!

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply toKruza

that could be classified as harrassment possibly of a protected class .... just a thought for you to chew on ....

Sharon0122 profile image

It’s a shame you can’t report her to someone! I am so sorry you are going through this and cancer too. I will pray God give you a path. Hugs.

Sharon0122 profile image

this is just heartbreaking, something has to be done and somewhere in NYC there has to be a womens organization that could help? Just unthinkable someone would do that to you!!! What a heartless woman!!! Contact the local news the has a reporter who could put this on the tv? Maybe a gofundme, could help? Prayers and hugs.

mariootsi profile image

Get in touch with a social service agency. Speak to a social worker at your hospital for help. You can't deal with all this alone. It's all a sign you have to get out of there! Please get help. Your friends are in a difficult position to help you! There are many resources available in New York. Take advantage of them. Stage 4 should open some doors for you. Call Cancer care. They have financial assistance available for certain expenses. Call the Department of Social services.

mariootsi profile image

Call legal aid!

13plus profile image

This is where you need to begin! Call 311 but read the link I share for NYC tenant eviction help. They can NOT do this to you. Try not to be afraid. Don’t let her or anyone into your apartment. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. People can be unbelievable callous

Hopeful4Cure profile image

Be strong kearnan, you've got a lot of support here and loads of information to assist you and hopefully help calm you bit. We are all here for you. Hang in there.

viennagirl profile image

Dear Kearnan. I am so sorry you have to go through such a sad ordeal. But after reading all the responses you have received I agree with the advice - DO NOT MOVE OUT. Let that landlady do all the legal work. I see that Tammy Cross has given you telephone contact numbers. I think you should contact those people right away. I agree that you should keep the details simple. Just explain the length of time you have been leasing the apartment and your health and financial issues. I am sure you are going to find people who are near you who can help you. There are many kind and caring people who I believe will help you sort this out. There are agencies set up just to protect people with landlord issues. At least in Canada we have many laws protecting tenants. I think it might even be illegal what your landlady is trying to do. Just don't move out. If you move you might lose your rights to that apartment. So don't move out. You have rights! Marlene

Sashay2020 profile image

I’m very sorry to hear of your housing struggle. If you are in the United States, you may want to contact whatever free legal services organization is nearest you. There is no charge. It is better to gather your lease documents and meet with a lawyer as soon as you can. Don’t wait until you receive a written notice to vacate from your landlord or anything from the courts. Some landlords don’t play by the rules. I have practiced law in Louisiana for almost forty years. I managed the general law division of a legal services office and did eviction defense for six years. It saddened and angered me to hear of your housing situation. I hope that you can get legal help soon.


michelangelina profile image

I am so sorry you have to bear this additional burden. I am a legal services attorney in CA, but TammyCross is right--landlord/tenant law is a matter of state and local law, so I cannot give you advice. Please, please, please go to see a local legal services attorney. LegalAid would be good, or an agency that provides free legal services to older adults. You need to have accurate advice regarding your rights so that you can make a plan. I would try Brooklyn Legal Services. Their number is 917-661-4500.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply tomichelangelina

sound advice. Also, at least in Louisiana, landlord/tenant laws tend to favor the property owner. When I was with Legal Services, we had to fight property owners who simply changed the locks on the tenant. This is known as an illegal “lock-out,” and sadly these matters (especially in rural areas) are handed in Justice of the Peace court, where the so-called judge is not even a lawyer, and has no legal training. I have represented clients where evictions proceedings were held in a one-room beauty salon, and even the sound room of a small radio station. How I envied our fellow legal aid attorneys in California!


michelangelina profile image
michelangelina in reply toSashay2020

Eviction proceedings in a beauty salon! That is different! There are illegal lockouts in California too. We now have a statewide just cause eviction law that went into effect a few years ago, but even with that people can still be evicted under certain circumstances. Which is why it is so important to get proper advice early in the process.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply tomichelangelina

you are so right!

TammyCross profile image

Have you called Legal Services of Brooklyn? NYLAG? Legal Aid? Any one? Do you not feel well enough?

Most people here think she will not be able to evict you, but the threats can be intimidating. I would like it if you had someone advocating for you and didn't have to worry about it.

elle3054 profile image

you need to fight back it can take her years and years to get you out in the meantime you take care a live a long life for all of those who are with you!!!

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