Hi all, I would appreciate hearing from anyone who is immunocompromised from their MBC treatment, AND is vaccinated for Covid, about what precautions & limitations you are taking now. So far I’m staying very conservative, avoiding or minimizing time spent indoors with unmasked people. That means no plane flights or public transport; no restaurants or even outdoor dining (too crowded); no theaters or indoor social events. I regularly see family and friends in outdoor settings. Cases in my region (Northeast USA) are surging again so this seems prudent, but since I live alone I miss feeling more connected socially. I would be grateful to hear what others in a similar situation are doing. **Note**: I do not want to hear any debate about vaccines, that is not the topic of this post. Thank you!
Immunocompromised & vaxxed: What Covi... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Immunocompromised & vaxxed: What Covid precautions to take?

Hello LDR1,
I am immune compromised, but not from my treatments. I had Guillain-Barre’ syndrome before being diagnosed with breast cancer. I am “double boosted” vaxxed. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area that is also seeing a surge. I have begun to start keeping my distance from others more as I had been originally. I had let my guard down a bit.
I do not plan on traveling currently on a plane, but will drive an hour to stay at a place at the beach. (Separate cottage, not in a hotel) However, IF there was a death in the family or of a good friend and they lived further away, the new surge probably would not stop me from going to a service for them.
I hope this helps,
I spent the first eight years of my life in the Bay Area--Berkeley, and Mountain View. It's all changed so much from then! I have wonderful early memories of the zoo, Chinese and Italian restaurants, the aquarium, planetarium, and the wonderful scenery. (1946-54) It was a wonderful place to be a child then! My mother had lived in Oakland for quite a few years growing up and my dad went to UC-Berkeley for grad school. My grandparents had a four acre apricot orchard in Hayward, about 1 1/2 blocks from a major N-S road. I still find orchards to be inviting! lol
Good morning from UK. I have had 4 vaccines for MBC 1 year to lymph nodes in chest cavity and a spot on the spine. Like you I re-assessed the protection I need to take as neutrophils are low. You may find it helpful to search ‘Live your life but don’t get Covid’ which I posted 10 days ago and received 35 very helpful replies.I went to the pub meal, masked up going in and out but took it off at the table. I also purposely drank very little so I wouldn’t need the toilet and touching all those handles!I felt so much better for going out. All the best x
I can't answer your query about safety. You could do indoor events now with family and friends who have been fully vaccinated. Even with out masks but distancing. uuuu The problem is when you go to the grocery or pharmacy. If possible, order these things. You are really being careful but you could relax it a bit.
Cheers, June S.
I am also located in the Northeast and I am taking the same steps as you. My oncologist has warned against spending time indoors without masks. The known positivity rate here is almost 10% however probably higher due to all the unreported at home testing. Visiting with friends and family outdoors has been a wonderful way to enjoy the Spring. Plus meeting people for walks has helped tremendously with meeting my daily 30 minute exercise call. When the positivity rate drops significantly I will reconsider eating in restaurants, visiting museums going to the theater and other indoor activities but for now I am very happy with my choice.
I am immune compromised. I've had the vaccine (no boosters). I live in the Northeast too. I have had Covid 2x's - both times felt just like a short cold (runny nose, congestion) nothing major. I wash my hands frequently and live my life - no restrictions and it feels great. You do what feels right for you. 😊
Good morning to you, I also live by myself and at times it’s been very lonely. Thankfully I live in the south and we can be outside to socialize, at least now until it gets hotter. I’ve tried to do mostly outdoor events, ordered my groceries when I wasn’t comfortable going to the store and I have depended on Amazon for a lot as well as Walmart delivery. I also try to plan something special every day, even if it’s just starting a new book to read. I wish you health and happiness. And I’m sure you’ll get a lot of very good replies from the wonderful ladies here
Hi LSR1 - my husband and I both have had 3 full strength Moderna vaccines and 1 booster so as many as have been authorized for immune compromised folks. We do not wear masks for any outdoor events but do wear them when we go inside restaurants, shopping, large family gatherings even if we know everyone is vaxed for peace of mind. So we live our lives the same as pre-Covid going anywhere we want including flying by popping on our masks. The icing on the cake with this approach is that we haven’t had any colds, flu,etc. either so win/win!
Hi LDR1! I am so with you in how you feel and how you are choosing to live withMBC through this pandemic. I have recently cancelled my flight to see my family. Because of the slow but steady spike in Covid cases my family is concerned for my health. I took another booster. But I still follow CDC guidelines. As uncomfortable as it is I do wear a mask always around crowds etc. I have noticed in some cases I am the only one with a mask on. Oh well! I have to continue to protect myself. I suggest you do the same! Stay strong!
My poor ol' immune system is compromised and I was vaccinated as soon as the vaccine was available and am fully vaccinated and boosted. Up to date on all other vaccinations, too, My husband is too and he's even more careful than I am! He will not go into medical waiting rooms with me unless a big decision will be discussed. We both wear masks when we will be any place around other people other than fully vaccinated family and close friends. I have gone almost nowhere other than medical appts and the grocery store since the pandemic began. I miss not having to think about this. I live in a rural and small town area where Covid is also active and there's a lower rate of vaccination than most places in the US. I'm sure this would be much harder if I lived alone. I hope you can find ways to feel connected to mothers, Your local Council on Aging, American Cancer Society or health dept might know of local resources.
I’ve been on ibrance and anastrozole almost 3 years. No one ever told me to isolate. I am on really great supplements, I have had low numbers, so I have changed to 75mg. Just in the last couple months.I am not believing all the news scares. But that’s me. Fear obviously sells!
Loving your comment.. Gotta say!❤❤❤ MSM is ridiculous! Live Life full bore IMO.. Awesome hearing that you are doing great on your line of treatment and taking supportive Supplements!😊💪🏼❤