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Starting Ibrance today!

Paratroop1 profile image
36 Replies

Hi, I am beginning my Ibrance treatment tonight and am very nervous about side effects...nausea and hair thinning! I have been prescribed an anti-nausea med to take as well. Do most get these side effects?? Wish me luck! So happy to have found this site!!

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Paratroop1 profile image
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36 Replies
debbiedo2063 profile image

Hi thereGood luck with your treatment. 10 months after starting treatment, I have had no nausea or hair thinning at all. I was really nervous and I remember my oncology nurse giving me an hour talk when I picked up my pills and had injections on 22nd Dec 2020. she said, you will lose your hair, you will get diarrhoea and sickness and it’s Xmas in 2 days so make sure you have immodium in etc . I came away thinking omg this is going to be hell on earth and over Xmas 2020 I kept thinking when is this going to happen and it will be tomorrow, but so far tomorrow hasn’t arrived.

I think I have been lucky but one thing I do is drink lots of water and I mean a lot about 4 litres per day and this helps so much. I also eat a very healthy diet and go for a walk each day.

I did have a mouth ulcer, month 1 and started using Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash, haven’t had any since.

Ibrance has been my lifeline, I hope I can continue on it a long time, fingers crossed as it’s working ok.

I think if side effects happen there are plenty things they seem to have to treat them too.

Good luck and rest up first run of it as fatigue is an issue at times but I find the water combats that.

Hugs and best wishes

Debra xxx


Paratroop1 profile image
Paratroop1 in reply to debbiedo2063

Hi, thank you so much for replying and giving me tips and lots of hope! I feel so lucky to found this forum!💓 I do try to drink a lot of water and tea...I walk, peleton, and would love to get back to running eventually! I am so lucky to have my wonderful husband, friends and three great sons for daily support. My husband even bought me a beautiful Golden Retriever puppy! I named him Knox...He is keeping my mind busy and I've been having a wonderful time taking him on walks with me...It is a blessing to have found other woman going though what I am right now. Gives me so much hope! Talk soon I hope, LaDonna

Paratroop1 profile image

Haha 😄 I would never paratroop!! I am a paraeducator with special needs kiddos at an elementary school. I took a leave for now to see how I do with my treatments. I too am a healthy eater and peletoner! I love to walk a lot! I do drink a lot of water as well! I'm so thankful to be able to talk to someone who has is going through the same things ad me. Gives me so much much hope! Thank you, LaDonna

mariootsi profile image

I have to tell you I am very sensitive to medication side effects so I was terrified of taking Ibrance. I started with 125mg. I took it at night with my dinner so I never got nauseous . I'm still taking Ibrance but the 100mg dose because of my low platelets. I do the 3wks. on 2 weeks off schedule. I have to say it has been very tolerable. I am fatigued but everything we will take will cause fatigue. Just let your onc know how you are feeling and they will work with you on any side effects...everything from different dosage to b12 for fatigue. You may also want to see a palliative care doc who can also help

I have been taking it for 3 years now and do have thinning hair and have fatigue but I have been able to tolerate it well. It is a good med and seems to be very effective.

I wish you well. Try to relax and make sure you eat before taking it and drink ALOT of water!

Paratroop1 profile image
Paratroop1 in reply to mariootsi

Hi! Thank you for replying! I appreciate the stories so much...I will take it before bed and I can have a snack with it. I do drink a ton of water as well. I will continue to do that...I hope it works for me and keeps me here with my wonderful husband and kids. I am scared but yours and others stories help me so, so much! Thank you!! LaDonna(Paratrooper1)

hdhonda profile image

Welcome LaDonna, Ibrance is a wonderful drug. I have been on it since March 2017 and my biggest problem has been low neutrophils. They were mentioning changing drugs so I started taking a good multivitamin and they have remained above 1:00. I plan to stay on it as long as it is working. Have never taken chemo before, but am convinced this is the right drug for me. I am three weeks on and off one week. Don't want to make you think Ibrance is fun, because it is chemo and I look forward to my week off every month. My husband asked do I feel better when I am off. The answer is no, but I 😘 not having to take it. Best wishes and blessings to you. Hannah

BARBIE70 profile image
BARBIE70 in reply to hdhonda

I’m totally with you there 12 months on now and no nausea ,slight hair thinning and fatigue but we just adjust .Loads of water and exercise don’t be frightened ,I was terrified of taking the first tablet but thank goodness I did 💕

Go for it you’ll be fine with a positive mind xxx

I’ve done fine with Ibrance after adjusting from 125 mg to 100 due to fatigue. I try to rest for 15-20 minutes each afternoon. Otherwise no symptoms.

Good luck and welcome

Gwennie123 profile image

I never had nausea. Hair thinned then got thick again. Fatigue and temporary loss of appetite. Side effects lessened after three or four months.Good luck.

Merma profile image

Hi,Best of luck to you. The thing with Ibrance is that we don’t all get the same side effects. I’ve been on it four years. At the 125 dose for 3 and the 100 for the last year. I only lost my hair on the higher dose after over 2 and a half years - even then it was only a little thinning. My dr lowered my dose when my blood counts stopped recovering on the week off. I kept needing an extra week. With the higher dose, I did use the anti nausea meds occasionally, but not regularly. And at the lower dose, I’ve hardly had any of the other side effects. So, don’t dread Ibrance. It’s made a huge difference for many of us. Probably the thing we most all have in common is some fatigue - so rest when you need to.

All the best with your treatment.

I’ve been on palbociclib for a year now and initially I used the anti sickness tablets for the first few days of each cycle but now I don’t use at all. I found it better to take last thing at night before I went to bed. Ginger in a tincture is very good if your are feeling nauseous

I haven’t experienced thinning hair at all so not everyone experiences all the symptoms.

Wishing you well with your treatment

Melpub profile image

Notice how you feel. Some women do fine on the 125 mg dose. I did not--felt tired and sad. When the dosage was reduced to 75 mg I did fine--I have been on that dose plus Faslodex since March, 2018. The main side effect for me has been the state of my hair--dry, flyaway, Brillo-Queeny--plus it doesn't really go. It's more or less bob-length, witchily dry-endy. Use an oil-based hair treatment!

Welcome aboard. I am about to turn 53 and understand how you are feeling. I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole for 2 1/2 years now. Never once had nausea and hair went dry and curly. We all laugh about the mad Ibrance hair on here. I’ve had mine cut really short to control it.I get a few minor side effects but think they can be to do with the Letrozole. A bit of joint pain in hands and in the beginning I felt tired on my week off Ibrance, oh yes and the watery eyes. Apart from that I have been fine and done most things I would normally do. I work part time and have continued to do so since diagnosis. I have an ebike, go to dance class and walk a lot. My mets are in spine and pleura of the lungs so I need poles to get me up mountains now. Some ladies on here run 5 and 10 Ks.

Look forward to hearing from you


M43bcmgreenblue profile image

Hi Paratroop1

I did not have many problems at first with Ibrance but have been experiencing some pain in joints now but after reading about some of the experiences other ladies on this medication had, it seems as though its some people suffer on Ibrance and others do not. I wish you all the best whilst taking Ibrance and hope that you do not have too much suffering or not at all on this medication. It might help to keep a diary and note down any significant changes that may occur once you start it.

Rubyjude profile image

Hello LaDonna. I've been on Ibrance for a year now at 125mg. Tolerated well - no nausea or any other significant side effects. Only real impact has been on my hair. It got very thin after 6 months but now appears to have started regrowing. It has also become very soft, like baby's hair. Occasional tiredness which I can adjust to fairly easily. Still doing lots of long walks in the countryside. Wishing you success on this drug.

Beryl71 profile image

I was upset and terrified when they gave me all the information. But I've now been taking it for 18 months and am feeling very well. I've had a couple of times with low neutrophils and infections but in general have felt much better than before my diagnosis. I do seem to collect a lot of hair in my brushes but it's not noticeably thinner and most of my friends can't believe there's anything wrong as they say I look so well! I bought some new recipe books and spend more time on food preparation and avoiding chemicals in the products I use. I've been very careful during the pandemic and continue to do so. But I have just been away on a UK trip, choosing my route carefully to avoid busy places and using a mask and visor. I'm awaiting my Covid booster. So take care and good luck, Carolyn x

Lillysue profile image

I have just started my 2nd cycle so can't really comment apart from I have felt ok. My Mum took it for a year and I remember she was told to drink loads of water. I drink about 3 litres a day as well as tea. Just wanted to wish you Good luck with it. 🍀

troutgal profile image

Paratroop1 - I am 73 and been on Ibrance 125mg for 46 cycles, over 3 1/2 years. No real problems, a little thinning of hair but who knows if that is Ibrance or aging. I take mine first thing in morning, no issues and have not had to miss any because of blood counts, which remain pretty darn good! I am also on Fulvestrant/Faslodex and get Zometa every 3 months. I sure hope you do well on Ibrance, it has done wonders for so many!

Debbigbang profile image


I have been on ibrance for 4 mths. No serious symptoms. Go in it with a positive attitude as it is the pill that will help the tumors heal. I am on 125..everybody's body is different. It's all about what medication works for you 👍🙏🥰


Katie9898 profile image

I am just starting my 4th month on Ibrance and feel great! No nausea but occasionally tired at the end of the day. Just had my 3 month scans and so far, it seems to be working, no new metastasis. I hope I am like many of the other ladies who have replied to you and am still taking it and tolerating it well three years from now.

Good luck to you!


Paratroop1 profile image
Paratroop1 in reply to Katie9898

Hi Katie! My first night went well...I have a bad headache but no nausea! I am thankful for this drug and you girls! So nice to talk to woman who understand! LaDonna

Katie9898 profile image
Katie9898 in reply to Paratroop1

That’s great! I’ve learned to enjoy today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow!

JKMS profile image

I had very limited side effects initially limited to mild hair thinning essentially. After a year I now have pain in bones and very mild nausea from time to time but more than manageable! I follow an organic vegan keto diet, take a fair amount of supplements and try (!) to exercise more regularly which at least helps with overall health. Fingers crossed all good for you😊

Gibby21 profile image

Been on Ibrance since April, nothing really significant happened. I get some fatigue, some tummy issues, Imodium works wonders.. that’s it. Even my hair is fine and I thought for sure it would thin out. Oh and just recently I’v noticed my finger nails are kinda’ soft….. good luck you’ll be fine!!

Cureforever profile image

Hi,I have been on ibrance and exemestane for one year until the disease progression. Then I was on ibrance and Faslodex but it did not control the disease. I did not have any side effects and I miss that drug a lot. I wish I stayed on it much longer. I am on my fifth line of treatment now which is a chemo pill Xeloda. I have been taking it for two weeks only but my liver enzymes are elevated three times of normal range. I hope the doctor will put me on a lower dose.

I also learned that if somehow disease gets under control you may recycle old drugs that stop working before. I still hope to get back on ibrance one day.

Finally there are a lot of new drugs in trials and development. We have hope. You may read my posts on ErSO, a very promising compound that worked exceptionally on animals 99/100% success on mice. I hope it will go to human trials soon.

Good luck in your journey and I wish you the best


Good fortune to you! I was nervous also and had no nausea and no hair loss.

Nocillo profile image

Good luck! I’ve lost some hair, but I had plenty to start with. The texture of it has changed though. No other side effects either. I hope you do great!

Antares12 profile image

The first two cycles of ibrance I had a lot of troubles. The first caused extreme tiredness, nausea, and diarrhea. The second was extreme pain and vomiting. After my second time in the ER, they kept me for a bit and found out that I had an inflamed gall bladder. After that was removed, I haven't had any trouble with the ibrance at all. I do have some hair thinning, and if I try to do too much I get really tired, but I haven't had any other side effects.

Angelmaker profile image

I am very new to the Ibrance and glad to be able to say it has not been anywhere near as bad as I had feared. wish you luck with your treatments and what I would like to hear is reports from people who are taking Ibrance through a feeding tube, because that is where I am.

love2golfwell profile image

Best of luck with your treatment. I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole for almost a year. I experienced nausea for about a week and half when I first started. It was recommended to me to try Chimes Ginger Chews which I bought on Amazon. They helped a lot. I also drank some ginger/turmeric tea before I went to bed as I would have my nausea during the night and into morning. I started taking my pills right before or after dinner and also drank lots of water and that helped, too. I have had a lot of hair thinning. My hair has thinned to about half of what it was, but I don't have any bald spots. I just see more scalp when I wash my hair, but when it is dry, it does not look as noticeable. I bought a couple of wigs to wear when I go out to the doctors or somewhere special. It makes me feel better. I try to eat healthy and get lots of exercise. I have been on the 125 mg dose of Ibrance the entire time and have never had mouth ulcers. So far I am doing well on it. I hope you do well, too, and are able to stay on it a long time. Sending you hugs.

blms profile image

I did not have nausea or vomiting or much hair loss at all on Ibrance. I was very tired on the highest dosage and had nose bleeds but that was it.

Missmaddie615 profile image

Welcome! This group of lovely ladies have helped me keep my sanity! I really didn’t have many side effects with Ibrance. Some bodyaches, not bad - little bit tired, again not bad, -some hair thinning that stopped after about six months, not bad. That’s it! Not bad at all! Congrats on the newest addition to your family! Hubby and I have had 4 goldens over the past 30 years. They are just big love sponges with so much unconditional love to give! May this treatment be effective and manageable for you for a very long time! Blessings to you! 🙏

Paratroop1 profile image
Paratroop1 in reply to Missmaddie615

Thank you so much! I feel so good when I read these posts and all the support the members give me! My golden baby Knox is more than a blessing! He has kept me focused on life and all the little things I use to take for granted!

My beautiful Golden Retriever puppy named Knox
Missmaddie615 profile image
Missmaddie615 in reply to Paratroop1

Oh my goodness -that face, what a cutie patootie, adorable! My avatar is of our last golden, Miss Maddie. She was a diva! All of our fur babies were blessings! They all brought so much joy, unconditional love and laughter into our lives! Each one of our goldens had a different personality -they’re like people in fur coats! I love all dogs but my heart will always have a special place for goldens! Thank you so much for sharing this adorable picture of Knox, it put such a big smile on my face! 🥰

viennagirl profile image

Hi Paratroop1.

Welcome to our site. I have learned so much from all the brave ladies on this site.

I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole for just over two years. I have had some hair thinning but now take vitamins and my hair has stopped falling. I take two gummies every day from a product you can purchase at Costco (Natures Bounty). It is in a pink plastic container.

The other good news is that my combination of drugs and all the other good things I do for myself have resulted in my latest scans showing NED (no evidence of disease). Of course I am so thrilled.

So be brave and confident that you will heal. Please do a lot of reading on the many things you can do that will assist you in getting well. There are so many books and doctors and advice on line that will help you heal. My favourite book is Dr. William Li "Eat to Beat Disease".

And "yes" I agree with one of our lovely ladies who said "drink lots of water". Drinking a large glass of water with every meal has helped me put a stop to bladder infections - so yes, drink lots of water. And visualize it washing the cancer out of your body.

Hugs Marlene

Paratroop1 profile image
Paratroop1 in reply to viennagirl

That's wonderful news for you!! I need to hear success stories more than anything right now! They really help me get thru the days and weeks! I will take your advice and check out that book too. Thank you for reaching out! I'm so happy for your news!! LaDonna

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