I need some inspiration ......... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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I need some inspiration .........

3 Replies


I need inspiration and creative thoughts about raising neutrophils.

After two weeks with Ibreance 125 and than three weeks for the neutrophils to rise to 1.00

I will switch to Ibreance 100. Please send me some ideas on how to keep neutrophils at a reasonable level.

Maybe a lot :

* Vitamin c

* Drinking water

*After heavy meal?


What more?????

Thanks you


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3 Replies
Teddielottie profile image

Welcome Hanna ! I believe this is your first post on here . When you feel able to , let us know a little about yourself/medical diagnosis etc . I see you are on Ibrance and are concerned about low neutrophils. I don’t think there is a lot you can do , other than wait for them to rise before restarting the next ibrance cycle . I have been fortunate to have been on the Ibrance /Letrozole combination for several years and have tolerated 125mg , but many ladies do well on 100mg . Obviously a good balanced general diet is important . Some people do ‘juicing’ and /or take ‘Greens Blend’ (a powdered food supplement)..these may at least help the immune system . But always check with your oncologist if taking something new, or any supplements. Do drink lots of water at all times and I believe it does help to take the medication after a main meal , with plenty of water .

I wish you well and hope that Ibrance works for you too .x

Merma profile image

Hi Israelit,To be honest, my dr says that’s just how this medication works. My alternative medicine dr put me on many of the things on your list. I have taken time off from some of them and nothing changed. Switching to the 100 mg helped the most.

I got the 3rd vaccine shot and carry a mask with me wherever I go and wash my hands, etc. I swim outdoors and wear my mask inside the locker rooms. It seems like the results of the monthly blood test change at random. I’m no longer sweating it and I feel fine.

Hope this helps. Best wishes.

Hi Hanna

I started on Ibrance (palbociclib) at 125mg 3 weeks on 1 week off but over the cycles I have migrated to 100mg 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to allow time for my neutrophils to recover

A low GI diverse diet with lots of different vegetables, nuts, seeds and low GI fruit works well for me ~ there are some good resources about how variety will help support your gut health which is where ~ 70% of your immune system comes from. So focusing on gut health will help you

I avoid dairy because of the growth factor in it and also milk contains animal hormones which as I am ER+ is not advisable. Whilst I know organic milk is better (all commercial non organic cattle are routinely given antibiotics to treat/prevent mastitis so to be avoided) it’s still not advisable for me

The rule of thumb is that you should take your weight in pounds halve it and drink that much in fluid ounces. So if you weighed 10 stone that is 140 pounds so you should drink 70 fluid ounces of water which is just over 2 litres. However you should avoid drinking heavily before or during a meal as need to allow digestion to concentrate on absorbing the nutrients from your food and lots of liquid at the same time makes it harder.

I follow Jane McLelland’s protocol on How to Starve Cancer ~ she has some great advice. It’s a bit complex in parts but there is a good Facebook group and she has an online course. In her book she talks about how she “may have fuelled my disease by taking oral vitamin C and vitamin E. I had assumed by taking these I was preventing a ‘metastasis’, where the cancer sends out a mass of little satellite cells and strikes in a new zone of the body. What I had yet to learn was that supplements for cancer prevention were totally different to those you need when you already have cancer.”

She advises against low dose oral vitamin C however very high doses generally delivered by IV can help you when you have active cancer

Acupuncture is great as it helps you activate your parasympathetic nervous system anything that does that will help you lower stress in your body, which if it goes unchecked will increase cortisol levels which affect your hormones and start to damage your gut health. So breath work (Sophie Trew is worth checking out) and things like acupuncture will all help

All the best in your healing journey.

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