Ever wonder whether the scientific community truly listens to patients?
The answer is "very much so!" because this Saturday the voices of 1,221 patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) will resonate around the world at ASCO's annual conference!
The results of the Patient-Centered Dosing Initiative's (PCDI's) Patient Survey will be featured at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO's) Annual Meeting on June 5 at 2:50PM ET! On behalf of the PCDI, I am greatly honored to deliver the oral presentation "1005: Treatment-related side effects and views about dosage assessment to sustain quality of life: Results of an advocate-led survey of patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)." The presentation will provide valuable information about the prevalence and severity of treatment-related side effects and the strategies used to mitigate them, including dosage reduction.
Patients and survivors may request a unique ASCO registration code by sending an email to patientadvocates@asco.org
Hope to see you there