Successful Microwave Ablation - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Successful Microwave Ablation

jersey-jazz profile image
33 Replies

The procedure was done in Memorial Sloan Kettering, NYC by a truly caring physician..The PET scan had been on 2/10/21. Within thirty six hours, she had the surgery scheduled for 2/17/21, arrival time7:30am, surgery 9am. Done by 1:30pm. In my room by 3pm or thereabouts . She said before the surgery, that the tumor had grown dramatically, needed to be attended to immediately and, when asked, cautioned that it would be very painful. Although I used the pain pump all night and half of a day, the pain has decreased almost as fast as it came and, further, the physician said that if we had waited any longer it would have grow too big to have got it all.

I am a complete wimp when it comes to physical pain. Twist my arm up and I will tell you everything. This pain lasted less than expected and was manageable with drugs. I was a little bit hysterical inside of me but am so very very happy and thankful to have gone through it successfully. I can now recommend it.

Someone in our group asked for a report on this procedure if and when I had it. I will be happy to give more info if asked for.

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jersey-jazz profile image
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33 Replies
Staysha profile image

So happy your procedure was a success. Sounds like you trust your surgeon completely and she is definitely treating your cancer aggressively. That’s what I like.

I’m whimpy too! Glad it wasn’t as bad as anticipated. Here’s to a quick and speedy recovery.


jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Staysha

Thank you, Stacy! As the day has gone on I have been feeling poorer and poorer. I am going back to the nice cozy bed with a hot water bottle and hope that tomorrow will be better. I am still so grateful that the damn thing is gone.

blms profile image

I am sorry that you have to go through this and expect I will be right behind you before I know it. So, yes do keep me updated. How are you now? I assume you are home, and just stayed the night of surgery?? What pain meds do they have you on? did you have an original liver biopsy? Boy I hope you feel better in the morning!! Bonnie

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

Dear BonnyThank you fo responding. To answer your questions, I am feeling like shit but continue to be really happy and thankful about the removal of that malignant foreign invader into my body. I actually stayed for two nights because of the pain, my continual use of the pain med feed and my body's reaction to all that med. I got a hot head, red face, burning eyeballs and a headache. That was all worth it for the pain relief meds. I have only taken 3 oxycodone since arriving home Friday afternoon. I am still in a little pain but it is manageable.I did have a liver biopsy way back on New Year's Eve, 2019, diagnosed then and now with Stage 4, and scans ever since.

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

Did you liver feel odd and pulling after your biopsy f? Ior quite a while or permanently? I am so sorry to hear that you are in all this pain and have to take all these pain meds!! YUCK!! Keep my updated on your progress with pain management, etc.!! So glad we are hear for each other>

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

Dear blms. I cannot really answer that because I was so doped up on pain killers. I don't think so. As of now, I have no pain, only the usual internal shivering. Thank you for asking. It has been six days since the ablation and seven days since I pooped. Sorry to be so graphic but that is in front of my mind, now. Finally, on Thursday at noon, I have my first vaccine dose. I am trying to figure it all out. This morning, I have to quit being an invalid, wash, get dressed, join the world, again and try to resolve the immediate problem.

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

Ok, I am glad you are beginning to feel more like normal, w whatever that is. I do know that the night I had my liver biopsy the first night I made the mistake of getting into bed and tried to lie on my stomach and the pain was ridiculous. It surprised me because I have a very high genetic and metabolic pain threshold. So, I can only imagine the pain must have been astronomical. I have been cut head to toe over the years and nothing has been that bad that I had to come home with any pain meds at all. This is definitely different. Keep me updated. I really appreciate it and am concerned about you. I am surprised that you are getting the vaccine right now and that your doctors said okay to that a week after your surgery. I am not a fan of the mRNA vaccines and am planning on waiting for the J and J one coming next month.

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

Interesting about the concern of taking the vaccine. There is a disconnect between me and a doctor. It didn't occur to me to ask one. I will be seeing the office the extremely busy GP when I get the recently prescribe second of a series of B12 shots. I will be driving for the first time since surgery and will be fine. It said on my exit sheet to ask dr's permission. Forget that! I'll try to ask someone about having a vaccine a week after surgery if I can. What does mRNA vaccines stand for?

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

message RNA.

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

RNA has been a newer excitement in the research field with possibilities of changing treatment for medicines. Problem is that it is a new and not effectively tested for long enough period of time to know what the potential is for long term problems. It goes into your cells to reprogram, in a nut shell. Too many problems with side effects for me plus the new info is that if you have bad allergies then you could have anaphylaxis, it also states that people with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. should not take it yet the doctors seem to still be giving it. I have been told at Lombardi from the lab techs that people have been getting the mRNA shots the past day of their week off. I am going to wait a short while for the J and J which should be approved shortly. It is one shot and closer to the idea of the flu shot.

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

So much to learn and so little time...... You are a body of knowledge.This will have been a busy two weeks.2/15, first Vitimin B shot, 2/17-2/19 the burning away of the very offensive cancer and two-day hospital stay, 2/24 second Vitamin D shot, 2/25, first coronavirus vaccine, (same arm), 2/26, full blood workup, (same arm).

Although the doctors keep saying Stage 4 to me, I now say to myself that I am cancer free and, for the time being, will not be taking Letrozole with all its side effects. I am giving myself and my body a break. We deserve it.

Pbsoup profile image

So glad it went well, all things considered. I hope you feel back to normal soon. Are you back at home or still in hospital?

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Pbsoup

On Friday, son Bruce drove more than one hundred miles in a snow storm to collect me from NYC and bring me home to NJ. I have been in my little home since then and this morning I managed to be lucky enough to get an appointment for the covid vaccine for Thursday midday. Baring any untoward events, Thursday's vaccination will free me mentally. I am having such a good day!

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

Ok where, sorry if you told me, do you live in NJ? I am from NJ

Tolife_18 profile image

So happy that the surgery was successful. Wishing you easy and pain free recovery!

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Tolife_18

Thank you! How is everything with you?

Tolife_18 profile image
Tolife_18 in reply to jersey-jazz

Hi dear, recent PET scan showed no progression, so all is good🤞🙏🤞. Just waiting for this damp winter to be over!

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Tolife_18

I"m glad that things are so much better for you as they are for me. I think that both of us were in crisis but that either our crises have passed or we have just grown into our new normal. Anyway, I feel great!XXX OOO

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

So it sound like you only had two days of pain? The did you go off pain meds completely?

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

They sent Oxycodone home with me and I took three pills over two days and then no more drugs for me. I really recommend this procedure. I feel I got away with it. I have no more tumor in my body for now.

Thatflowerlady profile image

I am so glad this is behind you , rest up and give us an update once you are feeling up to it . Luann

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Thatflowerlady

Dear Flower Lady. This group of us gave me so much courage to request exactly what I thought would be right for me. The rest was good luck with MSKCC.Even though we are in such a vulnerable place in our lives, we have to gather the courage and strength to figure it out along with the medical profession. We are the ones who care about us. They only care about us a short time in their day. They do their best but often it is not really enough.

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to Thatflowerlady

Thank you !

BluHydrangea profile image

Jersey— great news of successful surgery! I also really appreciate your description and all details of how you are feeling. I hope the pain is better now... or not at all. You are doing great!

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to BluHydrangea

I am free of pain, thank you! Now, it is just the fairly big problem of kickstarting the system. I am on the computer looking up products like the old E-lax. Wish me luck!

BluHydrangea profile image
BluHydrangea in reply to jersey-jazz

Have you tried SMOOTH MOVE herbal tea? It works over night and I have found it to be effective! Good luck!

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to BluHydrangea

Thank you! I finally got dressed, today, but the snow which had stopped, started a few hours ago and doesn't give any signs of stopping. I think that the large amount of stewed prunes is beginning to work its' magic. It will be a long time before I will be able to look at stewed prunes, again. After Thursday and the first vaccine shot, I am sure that I will feel absolutely blissful, free at last from my fear and anguish. I will be able to go into the food store without a lump on my throat. I may even venture into Marshall's after more than a year's absence. Oh! Life is good! XXX OOO

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to jersey-jazz

Thank you for your recommendation. I've written Smooth Move down for reference. I really like the clever name. Very descriptive, hopefully.

blms profile image
blms in reply to jersey-jazz

Are you taking magnesium asporotate at night for stool? I take two every night and it really makes a difference. But, not I am doing coffee enemas which feel so good on my liver after. When I do not do it for a couple of days, I have more liver discomfort. Not magnesium asparatate.

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to blms

Dear Blms

I am so lucky. The old stewed prune trick worked and I am back to my regular routine of coffee and oatmeal or muesli by7am and a sit down by 8am.

kduck profile image

I so happy your surgery went well! What made you decide to do this surgery?

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to kduck

I really wanted the damn thing cut out but was not offered that. MSKCC used to and probably still does have a rule that no Stage 4 patients can have surgery since the MBC is in the system. I had had cryogenic surgery of my left breast for recurrent surgery, before it metastasized. and I was declared MBC. This is the same lovely clever doctor that I kept in touch with. She is an Interventional Radiologest.

kduck profile image
kduck in reply to jersey-jazz


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