Looking for encouragement: It’s been a... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Looking for encouragement

MacroMom profile image
25 Replies

It’s been a tough month. Toward the end of the Oregon fires and smoke I started having digestive issues, bloating, then within days I looked 5 months pregnant. When I went in for my appt last Friday they took one look, said “jaundice” and admitted me to the hospital. That evening I had 1 and 1/2 liters of fluid drained from my abdomen, and over the weekend several tests to see if there was a block somewhere in my liver/gb to stent. There isn’t, just widespread cancer and pseudo cirrhosis scarring that is keeping my liver from functioning. I go in again tomorrow to get drained and will see my oncologist Thursday. Billirubin and liver enzymes are too high for chemo, hoping there is another treatment option that can control the cancer a while longer and be kind to my liver. I can’t help feeling like the fire stress and smoke contributed to upsetting this fragile balance so many of us maintain.

What can you do? Send prayers, hopeful stories, suggestions, funny cat jokes....I’m open to it all. The good news is that, aside from the weight discomfort, I’m not in pain and still have some energy. And grandkids will visit tomorrow and I have a new fat cat, “Jeepers”!

Thanks for being there. ❤️

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MacroMom profile image
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25 Replies
MyMiracle13 profile image

I don’t know what to say but I will pray that there is a treatment option for your liver problem🙏 I’m glad that you are not in pain and still have energy left. Tomorrow is the feast day of St. Therese of Lisieux. She is known for miracles.

MacroMom profile image
MacroMom in reply to MyMiracle13

Miracles happen!

Wintervt profile image

Dear MacroMom,

I truly believe that stress does play a large part in our well-being. I hope your oncologist can find another treatment option that is kinder to your liver. Sending love and prayers your way!

xo Jade

P.S. Your cat Jeepers is adorable!

4thTimesTheCharm profile image

Rough month all around! Best of blessings as you and team work out options and a pathway to keep you moving forward! Enjoy those bright spots we call children and critters! And may you see some sunshine or even blessed rain today! kc

Arisgram profile image

Look at that sweet kitty! Don't you love how they purrrrr and make biscuits on your lap? Then, they snuggle down and take a nap on top of you. It's like your own little electric blanket!

Even though I have a cat, she's usually outside killing things. She brings them to me...just to horrify me. However, I have 2 of the sweetest dogs always by my side. I have my Dinky. He is 16. I call him a Dr. Seuss dog as he's so odd looking. He's black and white freckles with brown...which is now mostly grey...on his face and legs. He looks a little like a bloated sausage on toothpicks! When i adopted him, the foster mom said, "Please don't bring him back," He had been adopted 4 times and returned. Poor baby. It took some patience and a realization he would never be terribly affectionate, but he never leaves my side. He's been nervous everyday for the 14 years I've had him, but now that he's deaf, he's a little more calm. Lately, he's become incontinent and spontaneously pukes just walking around, so we spend a good bit of time mopping!! But, he's taken such good care of me. Returning the favor is the least i can do!

Last September, i got a call about the possible finding of my friend's lost yorkie. Unfortunately it wasn't Puddin, but it was this terrified, partially paralyzed little girl on death's doorstep. The young woman who found her had mistaken her for a pile of leaves and sticks. She sheared her and bathed her then found me. She was unable to keep her as she had 4 show dogs and 4 children under 8. We agreed if we took the dog to a shelter she would be euthanized. Sooo... I took her home with me to pass in peace and comfort. She is currently snoring at my feet!! Spoiled rotten and a picky eater!! The paralysis resolved and her fur grew back beautifully. She is my Duchess Daisy Dandelion, and she's such a sweetheart!

I hope your sweet kitty, Jeepers and your grandchildren bring you great joy. I hope your medical team can devise a plan to beat back your cancer and alleviate your symptoms. Please let us know how you're doing. I will keep you in my heart. Much love and tenderness, Andi

in reply to Arisgram

Andi, I just loved the story about Duchess Daisy Dandelion, you are such an angel for taking her in (and spoiling her!) :)

Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to Arisgram

See! Miracles do happen. What a story about your special daisy dandelion! And your dinky! Love your descriptive writing style. I also have a little rescue dog - 13 years old and such a love bug. Also stays by my side. To add to the mix I have an african grey parrot who I have had for 25 years!!! Since I was 30! Ok. My pup just climbed into my lap. Almost like she knew I was writing about the parrot. Faith

Arisgram profile image
Arisgram in reply to Have-faith

She needs to make sure she's getting as much "air time" as the parrot!! What would we do without them? 💕

Teddielottie profile image

Very cute and cuddly cat ! I wish you well today and hope your onc has a plan for you tomorrow . Enjoy your time with the grandkids x

I am so, so sorry for the difficulties you're having. I can only imagine the stress of having the liver issue, going to the hospital, etc. My gosh....

But I'm glad that you're pain-free, feeling some energy, looking forward to seeing the grandkids, and enjoying your gorgeous new cat! That photo is priceless! Cats really do know how to live! :)

I'm sending positive vibes to Oregon and -- with some hesitation -- I'll send a cat joke (only because you asked!). I had to google to find one, not very easy to find funny ones, this was the best I saw:

A cat walks into a bar. The bartender says, “What’ll you have?” The cat says, “A shot of whiskey.” The bartender pours the cat his drink. Slowly, the cat pushes the shot off the bar…immediately demanding, “ANOTHER!!”

I hope you enjoy your grandkids today and get some encouraging news from your doc tomorrow...I'll be thinking of you!



MacroMom profile image
MacroMom in reply to

Love the joke Lynn, reminds me of my cat Kaze who loved to knock things off high places! Feeling more energy this morning, will be even better once I get drained and see those grandkids.

Loulie profile image

It always amazes me how the medical community keeps coming up with solutions so let’s plan on them solving this problem now!!!! You are my inspiration. Hopes and prayers are coming your way.

I only have two cat stories. We have alwAys had dogs and my husband Jim has always firmly said no to cats so when our oldest daughter Jenny was 3 and had begged for a kitty. I always responded, “Daddy doesn’t like cats”. Finally she said, “If Daddy dies, can we get a kitty then?”

We continued with dogs and as soon as Jenny got her own apartment in college she got a kitty she named Petey. It had to live with us a few months and it didn’t take long before Jim and Petey were spotted napping together on the couch, Petey curled up on Jim’s lap. He lived many years and has a special place in our hearts. To this day Jim insists Petey is the only cat he could love. A sad note is Jenny only lived to the age of 36 and we treasure the memories of her and her cat.

Enjoy the new cat and grandkids!

MacroMom profile image
MacroMom in reply to Loulie

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Jenny, what a huge loss. My husband also claims he's a "dog guy" and just puts up with my cats, but after I was in the hospital for 2 days and he and Jeepers were alone they are totally bonded! Well, at least Jeepers thinks so.

Sending you positive vibes and virtual hugs from the UK. Stress is an unknown quantity and you certainly have been through it recently. On the positive side your pain is controlled and you are in safe hands with your hospital.

Best wishes


beachlover65 profile image

Praying for many more blessings for you. May you find much comfort and peace - your kitty will help with that! I hope your doc finds a good next treatment for you!

Hi Patty,

I hope your oncologist has a solution for your liver. I'm sure there is something out there that will help. Have you looked into supplements that might help support your liver function?

Your cat is gorgeous by the way! It looks like you are well taken care of by your fur baby. My Russian Blue, Jack, is perched on my lap as I type.

Take care,


Joannaaaa profile image

In my prayers and sending good thoughts to you. Enjoy the fat cat and the grandkids x

Have-faith profile image

Oh yich. Sorry to hear this! I hope the draining of fluids released pressure and you feel better. I hope you dont need more drainage after tomorrow. It is so worrisome all this nonsense. We are sending you good vibes and always positive energy. I do agree with you about stress... so hard not to be stressed living with cancer. Your new cat looks lovely and right at home by your side. Feel better. Faith

MacroMom profile image

Getting drained today definitely helped. Hoping it won’t build up again so quickly as they don’t like to do it more often than weekly. Thank you for the good vibes!

Remyan profile image

If you can read what our Lord told Mother Julian of Norwich, I think that you will find much comfort. So many people are praying for you, sending you peace and love.

He created you, He loves you, He keeps you. You will not be overcome. All will be well.

Rhwright12 profile image

Sending Prayers for the right treatment plan to control this...🙏🏻💕🙏🏻

AvidBooklover profile image

Here is to solutions! And I so agree about how stress is definitely a contributor! Goal these days is to minimize that!

Mary115 profile image

Down with stress and upping the mutual support, moments of beauty and comfort.

Grandkids and cats..

I do not have a cat nor pet and I would have liked one, but this summer while sitting out in the backyard with a cup of coffee about twenty five feet from me in the woods was a beautiful bobcat. He just stared and I was so mesmerized that I forgot to be scared. I politely but firmly yelled and told him that he did not belong here. He just kept staring directly at me and then bounded away up the hill. What an amazing experience..

May you feel a moment of Beauty today.

May we all here feel a moment of Beauty today


May we feel our own Beauty too..

I am so sorry you have had such stress. I am thinking your grandchildren will perk you up! Thinking of you and praying for you.--Madlyn

mariootsi profile image

Sending prayers.

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