People who do not take others into consideration or think its okay not to go traveling or practice social distancing put others at risk. Sorry, I know it's off topics but I see some people still are not getting it.
Sorry this is off topic but it makes ... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Sorry this is off topic but it makes me angry when people are selfish and not taking the precautions to keep this virus at bay. SELFISH.

I could not agree more. Incredibly selfish. When we look at so many people, today and in the past, who made real sacrifices -- even "the ultimate sacrifice" -- to protect others, and now our fellow humans won't even wear a freaking mask because it "infringes on their liberties" or they don't believe in science. I hate people, truly.
Some of these people don’t live in places like New York where the death toll is staggering. They’ve been encouraged to assert their “rights” by our president. They see themselves as freedom fighters. Forget science, forget statistics. If they’re not just plain stupid, they are delusional and selfish. They scare me. They’ll prove themselves wrong at a high cost. Sad.
That is what is so scary. I don't people understand that you can feel great and your husband and adult children all living together and feel great and yet you can be infected with the virus thus although you get no symptoms, people you come in contact with will get the virus. In Wisconsin, they stormed the senate with rifles saying their civil rights were being oppressed. I laughed. They have no idea what it means to have their civil rights oppressed. Let them move to North Korea. This is how it quickens. Already some states have seen a high rise. People think only older people can get it or transfer it. Gov. Cuomo who is now doing extensive testings in all boros before we very very slowly try to open NYC. So far he said about 38% that have been tested have no symptoms of being ill not realizing that they can spread it to four people, now those four people each spread it to 10 people each. That is how quickly it happened in NY. With the one man and within weeks, people were dying. I started watching it TV every morning and was sick and crying. 700 people died last night, 900 people, the night before, people in bags laying stacked on each other in body bags. And no family can be near them so they die alone.
I just wish would remember this and hold off on vacations or find out more about how the virus spreads but it is just plain selfish on their part. Now, in NY they have found children with severe inflammatory lung disease that they believe is from the virus. Then they thought that if you got sick once, you were immune. Now they know that is not true. It's just scary and especially when other people are so lax.
I totally agree!
I totally agree with you. I am going to see if I can find a t-shirt with that saying. That is super. A friend called my husband yesterday to set a lunch date. He told him until a large portion of the U.S. is vaccinated we will be quarantining and wearing masks and distancing when we go out. He explained that my immune system is so low that I more than likely not survive. The truth is with his heart and diabetes issues he probably wouldn't either. Blessings, Hannah
Sorry I am not wearing a mask. If I thought it would help I would. We all need to build up immunity. We don't wear masks during flu season.. wear a mask if you want but don't make others.
Wearing a mask does help but I’m sure you have seen all the information and made up your own mind. The mask helps me more than you, in terms of keeping droplets from your nose and mouth when you talk and sneeze from going further than the mask. Yes, some of the virus particles will get out but not near as many because they are carried in droplets and then when the droplets dry, they float in the air. It’s a further extension of sneezing into your arm than into your hands or directly into the air. Building up immunity to Covid-19 means getting it, which for me means possibly dying. And even if you get a more mild case, people are finding many long term problems associated with it. It is nothing like the flu.
This is not the flu.
Dr Fauci recommends a mask. Stores have always had signs saying “no shoes, no shirts, no service.” It’s good hygiene. Wearing a mask is no more demanding.
It’s not too much to ask for this courtesy when just in the US alone 100,000 died in 3 months because of covid 19. The regular flu does not do that. That’s 100,000 mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, coworkers and kids. The magnitude of their deaths is amplified by the grief of the millions of their loved ones left behind.
Not to mention brave essential workers who risk their lives for us.
The risk of getting on a plane with a terrorists is low. But we still remove our shoes and belts and go through scanners. Briefly wearing a mask is far less of an inconvenience.
I realize I can’t change your mind. My intent in writing this reply is to encourage you to please stay away from others who follow medical guidance and who are more careful about their health and the health of loved ones.
I also hope others who read my reply will exercise more caution and kindness.
I always wear a mask and gloves in the relevant places. When I get home everything gets sprayed. We are not able to build up our immune system with the Cancer treatment we are on. I agree with you totally on this Marthasvineyard. It’s selfish not to take precautions for the sake of others. I also agree, if we catch it we will most likely finish up in a body bag. Makes me sick to the stomach when I see so many on beaches sunbathing etc. Get back to work if you haven’t got that respect to start off with. U K has the highest deaths in Europe.
Take care