I went for a blood draw today and showed the oncologist a rash on one side of my torso and leg... he said it was shingles. He prescribed Valocyclovir and so I will be taking that anti viral for a while. Blood work is normal, but I was surprised about the shingles!
Shingles!: I went for a blood draw... - SHARE Metastatic ...

Wow! It's so good that your doc noticed that and prescribed something for it! I know a few people who've had shingles and it was no fun!! Hopefully by catching it early you'll recover soon without too many issues! Good luck with it!

Thank you!
Good to,hear your blood work was good but not nice to have shingles. Hopefully the medication clears this up quickly for you. Take care and feel better soon. 🤗
That happened to me about a year ago too, I think when I was just between treatments. Like you I had a rash but luckily none of the nerve pain. It was across my mid-back and around the side. The anti-viral worked well, hope it does for you too!
I’m glad you found out what is is, and I’m so glad it’s not giving you any nerve pain. I’ve talked to some people who have had horrible nerve pain with shingles so I’d agree you really dodged a bullet. It’s also a reminder that not everything we get is related to our MBC! I have to remind myself that sometimes a headache is just a headache and not necessarily brain cancer! Elaine
Hi Elaine,
I'm glad I am not the only one who feels this way! I get paranoid if I get a headache too. I start wondering whether it's a brain tumour and if it means the end is near. I overthink things, but then I remind myself that I am also susceptible to "normal" issues that may come up. It's not all about the cancer.
I have had recurrent shingles since my initial chemo 10 years ago. Valcyclovir works wonders but I only take it if the pain is unmanageable. I try to avoid anything that taxes my liver. Now with a lesion on my liver, I don't know if I will ever take it again. Good luck. Hopefully yours is a one and done!
I'm so sorry to hear about the shingles. I hope you are not in any pain, or if you were that it has been taken care of. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

I am optimistic about the meds taking care of it. Thank you!
So sorry you have shingles. I got them in 2016/17 when taking the 5 year pill so they stopped the pill. It was on my left chest & arm (Masectomy side). I still have nerve pain. I have a topical nerve pain cream & Gabapentin when it flares up. I don’t wish them on anyone. Severely painful at the time. ❤️🙏❤️
Hope that clears up for u! Those can be pinchy, scratchy, and painful...But glad all else is going well! 😀💕
So glad you caught it early . Hope you heal quickly. It does make me wonder if anyone has asked their oncologist about getting the shingles shot. I have been wondering about this even before reading your story.
I have had the shingles vaccine. It is not licensed for people my age, and I was told I was not a candidate because of that, but I pushed for it. My oncologist was happy for me to have it, but my doctor's surgery would not let me have it until they received a letter from my oncologist saying I could have it done. My mum developed shingles and pneumonia after she became neutropenic right before she died, and it was a nasty combination. So that's the main reason why I wanted to get the vaccine.
I have had the new shingles vaccine. I made sure I got both the shots, which everyone said was amazing since they were hard to get. I figured I had MBC didn't want the shingles. My primary care doc said I should have it as soon as the one came out and the age was lowered to 50. I don't do flu shots because I always get sick with a flu not covered by that years shot. So I did have a little arm pain after the shot but nothing else.